Good bye 2012

Jan 01, 2013 16:41

Well, time to look back again....though this year hasn't been particular. Of course only if I omit the fact that I got a scholarship and now I am (stuck) for a year in Japan. I am still not sure whether I am happy about it, or not, I mean, I am here only for three months and well, I knew that I  am not going to return the same. It's really a case of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I guess. I want to challenge myself, but while I do, I learn so much about myself and realize so many things. For one, I am really connected to my family and friends, I need them more than I would have ever thought possible. I have always thought that I am sort of a loner, well 2012 has thought me that it's not so much truth. I need them in my life, more importantly, in my presence, because well thanks to Skype and modern technologies, I do have them in my life, but it's not the same. But it makes me stronger, I think. I will look back at the time here and wonder, why I was so stuck up on unimportant things and not relish it properly. After all, I am stuck here for a year, there is no way back and it's only up to me to decide whether I want to thoroughly enjoy the experience or suffer through it. It's all in the head.

So what can I say, the greatest positive is I have found strength to break my stereotypes and make a life-changing experience. On the more negative note, I seem to be unable to throw caution to the wind and really make something of the experience, but I am trying :P

Dad is home and well, as good as he gets. This year has been rough on him and us, he has had some serious health issues. I was really really worried about him, and maybe I still should be, but there isn't much I can do. Here is with us, not as healthy as before, but still with us and the sole thought makes me sometimes want to cry with relief.

We bought a small (really really small) apartment, I am listed as the owner. I can't believe it, I own property :P

I think I moved on a lot as a person, but still have so much to learn about me.

I started writing again, at the moment writing an Avengers story, 17 000 words and pushing.

I have found out I have incredibly supportive friends and I should really, really try harder to be a good friend to them in exchange.

I am not as strong as I thought I am, but I am getting there and I should make myself understand that THAT counts.

On the negative side....hmmm really there isn't much to complain about....just petty things that are really not that important in the grand scheme of things, I guess.
So what can I say, bye bye 2012, I am not particularly sad to see you go, although you haven't been a bad year, but I've always liked number 13 anyway :P

My goals for 2013

Have to find new dreams to fulfill.

Open more to people and experiences.

Open up to love (yeees, yeees, that's me being totally Bridget Jones.....) :))
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