2009 finally ends

Dec 31, 2009 19:36

Year is meeting with another year already and I think it's time for me to recapitulate a little. I made new friends this year, visited some new places, cried a lot, laughed a little. 2009 was really something different.

I was meeting with my friends from elementary school, after hmmm let's see, 10 years. It was a weird experience. I felt like I was attending entirely different class with different adventures, which only proves again, that I've always been an outsider standing apart of the main group.

But there were also positive meetings. I was to London for a few days and met with Bradley James and Colin Morgan from the Merlin show. Bradley is as hot in the real life as on the camera and he is VERY nice.

Bradley James

I was successful at entering university again, this time I opted for studying Japanese.

My University

I already knew that I was accepted, when something disturbed my carefully woven plans...I fell in love with a colleague of mine. To make the drama shorter, I broke my heart, again. I cried a lot and it led to nothing, but I realized how weak I am. For a man, I was willing to move my earth, change my plans, offer my future. It was a painful, painful experience and I think I got AGES older. I thought it was bad enough, but the rest of the year wasn't much better.

If breaking my heart wasn't enough, in the midst of chaos and pain, my beloved guinea pig Keshu died. It was sudden, absolutely unexpected. In less than 24 hours she said her final goodbyes. It came so quick that I wasn't even able to digest it entirely.

My beloved Keshu

Kucika died. Shortly after that I did the most unforgivable thing, I let my sick guinea pig be put to sleep. It was the worst decision of my life and I don't want to write about it, or I will start crying again.

My beloved Sunny, from child to adult

As a replacement I got myself new guinea pigs, Yuki and Eliot

On positive note, our soccer team managed to get to Africa championship.

What shall I say, this year was marked by losses and many tears and I am grateful it's finally getting over
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