Here I come to cry out my frustration again

Jun 04, 2009 14:10

....everything that can go wrong goes belly up this week. It all started when two days ago I by chance caught up on communication with a corrector concerning my translation. I unwisely I opened the communication and through all the butchery that was there I barely recognized my professionally translated and linguistically correct text. Oh the butchery, oh the slaughter they performed on it. I was really in doubt if that is the text I translated (about two days ago), which lets you enough room to imagine how terrible the bloodshed was.

As if that wasn't enough, some idiots permanently try to meddle into my work, I feel like I can't string words properly anymore, because there is permanently somebody jumping at my throat (no, I will NOT comply with the rules that butcher my native tongue), I do have professional pride.

In 12 days I have examinations for Japanese language at university. To find out now that I have no idea what even started at the archipelago 100 000 BC is not what I expected.

I feel like crying in frustration. This week nothing seems to go the right way. I am pissed at people, I am mostly pissed at myself and I AM NOT happy.
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