In my life...

Sep 24, 2008 12:29

Here I am again after countless promisses that I WILL update regularly :)) Oh yeah, like you don't know me. The reason is, as usually, that I have been quite busy. I have found a new guy to drool on (Yamada Takayuki), so yeah, I've been busy...drooling. And also working. The amount of work I have been given was incredible, and the quality. Well let's say it like this: I am very happy that I have holidays this week and I hope feedback arrives when I am not at work, because I did what I could with the resources I have been given and I can't be blamed that my boss is incompetent...

This project also gave me another push and I quit my job, for real. In exactly one month I am going to Japan for three weeks to drool over guys more professionally and with greater monetary investments and 10 days after my return I am starting in a new company. I am not happy that I am leaving, because my colleagues are really the best people, yet I feel sort of relieved, I guess it was time to move on. Now I am still nervous about it, since I am starting a new chapter of my life after all, but I guess when it doesn't work out, I still can start anew. It's not like I have kids to feed.

I quit my job also for another reason. The next year Japanese language studies will be opened at my alma mater, and I want to try to get in. It will be difficult because the competition is big and places only few, but I want to give it a try!

This trip to Japan will be kind of a test, if I can really do it and I am really that fascinated by the culture, although I believe I do know the answer already :P

I also want to do what I've always wanted to do - write about what I think. Therefore I want to connect what I like writing and Japanese movies/shows, that's at times you will find here (hopefully) an opinion or two about what's I've watched. Do not expect any high quality, I just want to have some fun, after my trip to Japan, I would like to start a new life.
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