Apr 28, 2010 18:10
For a while now, everyone's likely heard about the City of LA's financial woes. One of the methods of dealing with it, aside from giving us furlough hours and threatening layoffs (Big Blue, the LAPD, is exempt, of course, but we here at General Services PD are not so fortunate) is by encouraging other agencies that aren't on the general fund of the City to accept transfers to fill vacancies, from departments that are.
So I put in a while back to transfer to the Department of Water & Power. As one might imagine, they don't have a shortage of funds at all. The base pay for the same civil service classification is significantly higher over there, too...
Anyway, it looks like I'll be getting the transfer. Starting pay over there for a step one senior officer is four cents an hour less than a step five senior at General Services (me!) makes, but the lack of furlough hours will more than make up for it. Step five seniors make more than eight bucks an hour more than I make now... so as I move up, my income will approach what it was back in 2007. There is also a lot of overtime at DWP; though I don't know how much a senior can get. Officers who are motivated frequently double their salaries over there.
My job title will change, too. At GSD, a senior officer is a sergeant. At DWP, seniors are lieutenants. Not happy about that.
Cons: at DWP, there is no Public Safety status as of now. They are pure and simple security officers. Allegedly changes are in the works, but I never take anything seriously until it happens.
Huge con: no guarantee at all that I will still have my two weeks off in September for Dragon*Con. I likely won't know for a while. DWP has it's own benefits system that is not tied to any other department in the City, so my accumulated time won't transfer either, so even if I am allowed to still take the time off, I won't have enough time on the books to cover two weeks.
I am not happy about that; but I really would be a fool to pass this up.