(no subject)

Feb 19, 2010 19:34

My sweet little Pestilence kitty might not be around too much longer.  I'm almost out of his PZI insulin, which is no longer manufactured, so we went to the vet today to get a new brand.  I've known Pesti wasn't quite up to par recently, but I didn't realize how sick he was.  He apparently has an irregularly heartbeat, indicating some kind of heart disease, and his last blood test indicated kidney disease, which somehow wasn't communicated to me at the time.  The tests that are required to figure out what kind of treatment is needed to get him back to an even keel would cost more than I actually have at the moment, and I'm not broke right now.  It's just a lot of money.  And, once said tests were completed, assuming I can afford the treatment they indicate, they can't tell me what kind of quality of life he'll have.  That has always been my driving force here... I do not want my cat suffering.

And yet, he's still following me around, wanting to sit next to me, peeping at me to let me know that I should be scritching him more, and doing his silent purr that can only be felt.

My kitty seems to be annoyed by all the hugging he's getting; he never really has liked to be held.

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