News and ramblings in 140 characters
- 07:08 If anyone wants to come to City Hall for the Haiti drive-up fundraiser, be prepared for lines and please don't run over the councilmembers #
- 07:11 @ Davest010 @wetodded try 4am beyatches! #
- 08:40 Dunno if you can see them, but there are two City Councilmembers out in traffic taking donations... #
- 09:36 If you've never looked at, check it out... the guy who owns most of the props runs it. #
- 09:37 The Firefly visual companions showcase his collectio
n... # - 09:39 I was watching this live at school... RT @tinkerjenn Today in 1986, Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated. #
- 09:57 Midnight showing of The Goonies tomorrow at the Nuart!!! I'll be there! #
- 10:22 Tomorrow at 6pm, be at to meet the Karl, owner of most of the props from Firelfy (see earlier tweet) #
- 10:22 Bring your Firefly Visual Companions and get them signed! #
- 10:25 whoops... "meet the Karl"... d'oh! need to proofread more I guess... #
- 11:06 @ thekelliejane Sooo, we'll see you tomorrow night, right? Won't take that long to drive here from Reno #
- 11:06 @ thekelliejane and I'm sure we could find you crash space without much trouble... #
- 11:08 @ lomara Hah problem is, if we kidnap him, it'd be like an international incident, seeing as how he's a Brit and all... #
- 11:31 Google Maps link for the location to meet Mr. Firefly Visual Companion himself, Karl... #
- 12:54
@ wetodded Yes he does own Vera, and Boo (and Binky), the bastard! @QMxInsider will be announcing a new product(s) there... # - 12:55 Karl Derrick (owner of Vera and Boo) and @QMxInsider will be at at 6pm tomorrow. New products will be announced! #
- 13:14 @ thekelliejane :-( #
- 13:39 @ faeryqueenrs heh... if he were still a city employee doing that, he'd soon be an ex-... heh... #
- 18:51 Check this video out -- What Cats Are Really Thinking #
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