Akimia wins: Update! UPDATE?!

Jul 13, 2010 18:58

Wow, I have so been making it worth it to have me as a LJ friend of late, haven't I? XD Ah well, I've been worse at updating. Not much, but eh.

The lack of updates has been kind of due to lack of much to really report. My roommate and I are looking into a new place to live closer to California University of PA, where I will be attending this Fall. So, there's been a lot of stress going on both on that front and in getting everything prepared, school-wise.

I've been role-playing a lot (mostly Tales of the Abyss), and visiting with Starla-Jade (totally has two Jades as well as Peony, another self, and Anise. Saphy, you whore. XD), and in May, had a long IRL visit with Anise, which was a lot of fun. ^ ^ There were pictures, as well as pictures last month from another visit with Starla and Brittany/Katara from Ohayocon. Good times!

So yeah, I need to get back into the habit of updating again. It's not that there hasn't been stuff happening, I'm just that lazy of late, I think. ^ ^;

real life

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