Jan 31, 2005 08:05
Hello! I am living on base right now. Its not bad. The apartment is bigger than i thought it would be. Today Dad is making me run errends all day down in woodbridge. lol John was upset cause he wanted to see his gf down there but cause of the snow, she is stuck in Maryland.
Midterms were last week. They were not bad at all. Ok, Physics was a little hard. lol But everything else was passable. The AP Psych one was just sooo long! It seemed to never end! And Ap Gov was a joke.
March 3rd is the closing date for our house!!! I can't wait. They put in the cabnets and granit countertops! ^_^ We are still waiting for the carpet. Oh our ovens, dishwasher, and microwave also came in!
Kye and Allysa invited me to go to dinner and a movie with them and call a truce. I dunno. I don't want to be friends with Allysa. She always was a flip flop friend. I just ignored it cause I have known her since I first moved here.
You know...I hate Valentines day. And no..not cause I am single...I have always disliked it. I hate a day where your boyfriend is expected to buy you stuff to show that he loves you. John is buying Britt diamond earings..and they have only dated for a month! I just think it is a way for the jewelers to make alot of money. "Straight to her heart" is just annoys me! It should be a day to appreciate your love...not spend a ton of money on them. I told John that he should do something sweet for her...rather than spend what money he has left from his summer job.
lol I still need to find my valentines that i am gonna pass out this year. I have seen some Tigger ones and some X-Men ones I like. ^_^