Stop advertising that we are reading/watching manga/anime by illegal sharing files

Aug 16, 2010 03:10

Stop advertising that we are reading/watching manga/anime from illegal sharing files through popular online chat sites

Stop advertising that we are reading/watching manga/anime from illegal sharing files through popular online chat sites

It's been bugging me ever since I joined twitter. People are constantly posting links to the main Hetalia Community, telling others about certain scanlated strips. If it's a notice about Himurayu's updates, people can just link to HIS WEBSITES instead. I'm sure people are doing the same thing on facebook, tumblr and some other places.

I don't know why am I even complaining this to my Friendlist. I don't make post in any community, so I always end up complaining in my LJ which doesn't produce any result. 

ranting, hetalia, this is why we can't have nice thing

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