Pimping time and more complains

Jul 29, 2010 08:07

I was supposed to pimp a KameUchi into/pimp post yesterday in my hive post but forgot.

Even though there are only 4 people on my list who even know the name Kame & Uchi and they are all on hiatus or semi-hiatus, I pimp pimp pimp anyway for the love <3 Mostly just for my Kame's love. More people need to read more magazines interview to realize that the guy is not just a cold workaholic. He actually has friends. *GASPS* So what????? Yes it's true. Sorry to break so many anti-Kame and KAT-TUN's fans-but-anti-Kame fans, but he's not that cold like you originally think. Just because his pictures don't get taken at famous pub/bar/restaurant with his friends =/= he's a hermit when he actually gets a break. He's just a very private person who doesn't mention his friends' names in TV interviews. I tend to only find out Kame is a friend of Person A->C, because A->C mentions their friendships to Kame. Magazine's interviews are more your friend than clips of TV interviews.

Plus Kame is a master at disguising Said it ain't so!!!! Yes it is so. This is another time I wish that I save those interesting Kame conversations I have with others. There is rarely any papa pics of Kame even though he's supposedly take the train to go to a concert, regularly visit his family and adorable niece(who supposedly lives near him), and go on trips with Koki & others. He is ze master of disguize. He also needs to visit grocery store once awhile since he cooks. I only hear those Jin & Kame's rumours visiting a convient stores but I have yet to hear any fan sighting of the guy in a convenient store ALONE. I take those Jin&Kame's sighting with a grain of salt. What I want is Kame buying grocery sighting to prove that Kame doesn't just live on water and more water and Juniors' blood

Holy, I did not plan to make this post so long. I have to make my LJ complain short. I wish we can unfollow/ filer out certain tag in a comm. For example: I can filter discussion posts so I won't see them when I go to Hetalia comm.

hetalia fandom is being anti-hetalia, pimp post, kameuchi, hetalia, hetalia main comm, lj suggestion, uchi, kame

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