Jun 15, 2009 02:15
I'm posting this to remind myself to write about AnimeNext. Pictures are already up on facbeook. Just been too lazy to write about the experience (as much as I'd like to).
This weekend has been pretty busy for me. I don't think I've really had a chance to sit down and just reflect on everything. Spent almost my entire day at ANext on friday, went to casa de Jess for her BBQ then had family over once I got home until late on saturday, and today (sunday) I went with my aunt to my cousin's pool and spent a few hours there, and when I got home I went for a walk with LK, and after that I've been too tired to do much else.
Not saying this weekend didn't kick ass, but I can't wait for a day where I have nothing crazy going on. Just one day. Then I'll probably get bored.