(no subject)

Apr 18, 2008 22:02

i'm officially  selfish....

the new boy and i are together now and it's his birthday today... he's having a party so i was hoping to spend some time with him tonight... and he said if he was working then he couldn't... which is fair enough... then he text me to say he was going for a drink this afternoon with a mate, asked me what time i'd be home from work cause he was going to stop by on his way home... then i text him back and told him what time i'd be home... about an hour later he said he was still in the pub but really wanted to see me if he wasn't too drunk... so i thought cool... i'll get to see him... however... it's now 10pm and he's still in the pub... apparently really drunk and showing no sign of leaving anytime soon... so i'm grumpy... i have no reason to be grumpy but i am... i was hoping to actually see him on his birthday... but instead i get to see him at his party with all his mates around... most of which i don't really know... and now i also feel guilty for feeling so grumpy and disappointed with him... which is making me feel just as grumpy with myself...

In other news...

the car parking attendant asked me to be an executor on his will and is buying me a car to say thank you... which is so weird...

i am so skinted once again it's not funny... i don't even have the money to pay all the bills because my wages were short this month... i'm assuming for time off with kalie being ill... but i didn't think i'd had that much time off... so now i'm all in a panic about it and can't think straight...

another essay due in on wednesday and i'm not sure when i'm going to get the chance to write it...

just when my life is going well it all goes down the crapper again...
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