this is theory only so don't read it if you don't want to hear my theory... kaybye!

Jul 12, 2007 14:03

i have been reading the current harry potter books ready for next weekend and firstly there are a few things that i'd like to clear up for everyone...

Dumbledore IS dead, Regulus will NOT be coming back, Snape IS evil and Harry is NOT a Horcrux... so get over it...

so now we have got over that and you have wiped your tears away... theory number one is

Harry is actually a Sqib... he has Voldemort's Magical power... Dumbledore clearly states that some of Voldemort's power was transfered to Harry... what if thats why Harry can do magic... and once Voldemort dies Harry no longer has any powers... end of story with none to follow.

i've had that theory for a long time now... and it fits... not as well as the one that clicked into place last night though... even Rob said it was a good one... i had been pondering over the prophecy because it didn't seem to fit in with Harry very well... now this could just be the skills of J.K Rowling failing a bit... but i believe it a bit of very clever writing... and i have a reason for it not fitting... we know that Dumbledore has made mistakes in the past...

so here is my most current theory...

Harry IS NOT the 'chosen one' and he doesn't have the power to defeat Voldemort...

as you know he was never mentioned in the prophecy:

'the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...' OOTP pg. 924.

notice the pause marks... clever aren't they... but i digress...

there is another very important character that has been in all the books and it wasn't until the 6th book that we saw another side to him... i am of course talking about Malfoy... Draco Malfoy...

was that gasps of horror i heard... he fits in very well with the prophecy... we are never told how Harry parents have thrice defied the Dark Lord... however we are told how Malfoy is indeed related to the Blacks as well as a number of other important characters... making his family very large indeed... it is hinted in the 6th book that Regulus has defied the Dark Lord in taking the Horcrux... Malfoy's Mother also defies the Dark Lord in Going to see Snape... a fact we are also told in book six repeatedly by Bellatrix... so thats at least twice the family have defied the Dark Lord... we are never told when Malfoy's birthday is but we know that he and Harry don't take the Apparition tests with everyone else because their birthdays are after the test date... he has been marked by the dark lord... he has been made a death eater... another fact hinted at in book six but never proven...

and finally a very cleverly worded piece of the prophecy...

'and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives'

three people are mentioned here... yes three...

Malfoy is the first 'other'... Voldemort and Harry are the 'either'... a difficult choice for Malfoy to chose which will live and which shall die... or more simply which side he ultimately picks... don't forget he doesn't want to kill Dumbledore and he does infact falter when the time comes...

in the second part the 'neither' are Harry and Malfoy and the 'other' is Voldemort... we know that Voldemort will continue to try and kill Harry while he is still alive... we also know that if Malfoy does not carry out his orders Voldemort will indeed kill him and Malfoy doesn't really want to do them...

told you it was clever...

anyway... these are my theories... two of them... either could work... but i may be wrong... we shall of course find out next weekend... and if i am correct i expect lots of kudos.. haha...

stay safe and remember to guard against Dementor attacks xx

p.s. new layout btw xx

harry potter

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