akiko88Title: Friends Forever, right?
Pairing(s): None
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the War Draco goes to find Greg. A picture of their friendship.
Warnings: Slight Angst, mentions of Crabbe’s death.
Word count: 606
Disclaimer: I don’t own. JKR does.
A/N: Somehow I wanted to write something about their friendship, and this was the result.
The war was over, and there he was sitting on the hard stone floor of the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Alive. Well as close to, he suspects. How that was possible he didn’t know, but somehow he had managed to survive the ordeal.
Draco looked across the Hall, and watched Harry Potter surrounded by Longbottom, Granger, and various Weasleys. His friends, Draco thought.
Draco had friends too. Some of them where even alive. He spied Pansy sitting in between Blaise, and Theo as they tried to calm her down. Providing her with a shoulder to cry on. Draco didn’t blame Pansy for crying; he would have too if his father had died.
His gaze stayed on the threesome for a bit, before it glided over the faces of numerous people who were walking in, and out of the Hall. Where was Greg, he wondered. A faint sense of panic bubbled in the pit of his stomach. He had already lost one friend (that he knew of at least), he wasn’t about to lose another.
He struggled to his feet, managed to get his mother’s hand of his shoulder, and strode towards the exit. He ignored his mother’s pleas, and his father’s sharp “Draco!”. This was what he had to do; he had to find Greg.
Here he was again, he thought, back at the Room of Requirement. The place where it all began, and where it had ended. He hadn’t found Greg, not that he really looked. Somehow his feet had brought him here, once he had set one foot out of the Great Hall. This was the place where he had last seen him. The both of them, Greg and him. It was hard to even think his name.
The door was still there, it hadn’t disappeared. Draco didn’t know if that was because of the Fiendfyre, or because Hogwarts was in a constant state of need. However the door didn’t open anymore. Draco had already tried to pull the door open. Hoping against hope that the door would open, and he would be there. Alive, and well. The door stayed motionless. He had tried again, pulling with all the strength he possessed. Nothing.
Draco stepped back, and placed his hand flat against the door. I’m sorry, he thought, I couldn’t help you.
“I already tried that.” Draco looked up, and to his left. There stood Greg covered in black grime, and streaks of blood across his face, and robes. He looked forlorn. The same as Draco imagined he looked.
“You know...pushing the door open. The damned thing won’t budge.”
Draco smiled sadly. “I know. I tried as well. Twice.”
They looked at each other, and before Draco knew it he was squashed uncomfortably against Greg’s chest. He smelled of sweat, blood, and dust. Draco reached up, and circled his arms around Greg’s waist, as they cried silently for their friend.
After awhile they were sitting with their backs against the door of the Room of Requirement, eyes red-rimmed, and their legs stretched out in front of them.
“I feel like we should be drinking,” Greg mumbled.
“Too bad we don’t have a bottle of Firewhiskey at hand, then,” Draco replied.
Draco sighed, and breathed. He let his head fall back against the door, and closed his eyes. The silence soothed his frayed nerves a bit.
“Draco, I’m glad that you are my friend,” Greg said softly.
Draco snorted. “You are not turning into a Gryffindor now, are you Greg? Or a Hufflepuff?”
Greg smiled, and punched Draco on his shoulder. They laughed.
“Hey Greg, friends forever, yeah?”
“Who’s the sappy Gryffindor now?”