Hello (cyber)world
Uneventful Sunday evenings are soo perfect for posting random entries that you know no one reads but post anyways cuz u can.
Ahh...summer is nice. It's really, really nice to laze around and do nothing...
and suddenly remember that you have a harmony exam in a month 0____0
Psh. I'll manage.
Now...*begins to rant*
Omgawsh...I CANNOT believe Hannie is officially out of Super Junior!! As much as I'm proud of him for standing up for what he believes in, what will become of Super Junior M?!? Gawwsshh I (and a lot of other people) realllllyyy miss him... Heechul even posted a really sweet, heartbreaking poem on some account of his about Hankyung leaving...Hannie's name was never actually written but it was pretty damn obvious. They were best friends...(or as Hanchul suggests, more then friends XD) and it totally sucks that they're separated... :( Well, I'm sure they'll visit one another... ahh
Wow...I'm more upset about Hannie's departure then I thought. Well, even though he's not in Suju anymore, I wish him lots and lots of luck. His new solo, "My Logo" is pretty cool!
Gawsh...*distracted by MV's*
Omgawsh the Purple Line MV (DBSK) is very... *___*