well had my two weeks of easter holiday.. at the beginning i planned to study but then i think i can say that it has failed ==;;
xD anyways.. putting that aside i just read some news about arashi being the 'face of japan' ahahah so im like realyl happy!
basically its that arashi will be part of this tourist promotion program/activity, helping to promote people to go to japan [not like im not planning too xD] but yeah~ n this promotion will also show in east asia countries.. INCLUDING HONG KONG!!! yeah!!! so that means there's a chance where arashi will be on LOCAL TV!!! ahahaha!!! n maybe posters?!! or other stuff?! but yeh im so happy for them >< oh n for their news conference thingy they went today [sho, aiba, jun] they spoke in diff lang to kinda show how they are goin to promote japan, well more like a catch phrase ish kinda thing!! well sho spoke eng, n it was pretty good ^^ and aiba spoke chinese ahah it was funny, maybe cuz he kinda chose the 'wrong place' to pause his sentence, and matsujun spoke korean... but i duno korean so cant judge it lol! well anyway i cant wait for the promotions etc.!!!! n like i was reading comments of other people, like their comments on this promotion thing. n one said imagine seeing arashi's poster on promoting japan in narita airport!!!! ys since im planning to go to japan/tokyo in june ahah i hope i can see such poster!!! ><
well anyways.. i should go back to study n stop fan girling.. [like i can xD]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emWQdL4SwME link to see the news clip [have them speaking diff lang xD]
credits to whoever so nice to upload it >