Contact and Concrit Post

Sep 11, 2022 12:34

*staples in place*

The best ways to get ahold of me are through email or AIM, though I can sometimes get overwhelmed with AIM if too many people talking to me at the same time. XD My screen isn't big enough for more than about 3 windows at a time.

That being said, please AIM me if you want to discuss a scene, if you like AIM and I'm online at the time. It's way easier than email or comments and it's my preferred method of hashing things out. Akihiko can't world-hop, but he'll be happy to meet RL with anyone who can come to him.

You can also comment here if you want to scene with me, or if you have any concrit for how I play Akihiko or my conduct in the game. I have been RPing for *mumblemumble* years now, but I've never been in a game quite like this, so I'm sure I'll mess things up. And Akihiko is also not a character I've ever played before, though I find him less challenging than Tyki.

My contact info is:
AIM: hellbreakercnd


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