Sep 05, 2009 09:00
I have them. and they are RAPING MY FACE!
I cannot wait to go hooooome. See my little baby!
And I *think* there may be something to do with tequila in the weekend of my arrival. At least there BETTER FUCKING BE! I've been gone forever and want a super fun drinking night. Maybe some LARP. I DUNNO!
My stomach hurts a little, I think I may be hungry.
As of other things to come, I don't think they will. I'm pretty much tired of it and my tolerance is just about fucking gone.
Today has already been productive, I've gotten up(at the ass crack of 8:00) and done the dishes and I think I'll resume my sewing project. Yay for stupid looking rabbit lol
>_O I think I smell pancakes. Maybe I'll scavenge some from the abyss of the kitchen.
also I need a god damn Red Bull. Must wake the fuck up.
new york,