Nov 26, 2005 23:07
Okay, I know I suck at updating. My support? BITE ME BITCHEZ!!!!
So, the thing that got me to update was Chelsea Sage getting on my case. This one's fer you, kid! Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
So, since I haven't updated in, like, forever, I'm gonna make a list of the important happening since then. This is only a list. For the full story, ask me you lazy bastards.
-Got in the show Good News. Done now.
-Got Bass drum in the drumline.
-Went gaga for a girl. (Not the one from an earlier post. That was just mindless dribble that I actually got from a movie. I was just really bored.) She has a bf. And kissed another boy while dating him. Regrets it.
-Got in Gold band (the better half of concert band)
-Got screwed over for the part of the Cat in the Hat in Seussical at MCFTA.
-Got the part of Dicken in the Secret Garden 1-act.
So, all in all, I guess I had a good time....?
So, after wasting my time writing this, I guess to sum it up would be "DAMN YOU CHELSEA." Nah. It's not her fault.