Kink Meme Entry #6

Apr 03, 2008 16:58

Title: Unlikely Bedfellows (Or Why Akira Shouldn't Drink)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Hikaru/Akira/Akari
Notes: Written for the Hikago Kink Meme.

In the hazy, early morning light, Touya Akira opened his eyes. His head was pounding and he immediately regretted it. He gulped, although that hurt his throat since his mouth was so dry.

He heard a soft moan beside him. Someone was with him in bed and squirming, and that was unusual. Even more unusual, he was naked.

All of a sudden, nausea hit and he fled to the bathroom, immediately recognizing Hikaru's house on the way as he ran to save the floor.

Once he'd taken care of that, he fell back on the floor. Just what had he done the night before. He closed his eyes and tried to recall.


Akira lay in pure extacy as he was being kissed by Hikaru. Their lips were pressed together, tongues entangled. He could feel something going on down below his waist, so Hikaru must have been doing something good.

He grasped Hikaru's shoulder and neck suddenly as his world crashed down around him and he came.


Groaning he dropped his head in his hands. It was pounding and apparently, he'd slept with Hikaru the night before. Not that there was anything wrong with Hikaru, per se, but why had he slept with him last night? Why couldn't he remember?


Another memory came to mind as he was rincing out his mouth. He recalled having Hikaru pinned to the bed, his hands firmly on his rival's hips as he licked his arousal.

Hikaru had been flushed and loud about it, his fingers grasping the sheets as though he were holding on for dear life.

He remembered it had been fairly easy to run his tongue along that length, dipping them down to carress the sack beneath which had made Hikaru downright scream. Akira grimaced as he recalled Hikaru had suddenly come, squirting his seed into his hair.

Oh yes, it was still there. Akira blushed in the mirror, dipped his head and quickly ran the water over his hair.


He borrowed a towel and dried off his hair. That was a little better, his cheeks still pink from the dirty memories he shouldn't have. It was completely inappropriate to think of. His head was still pounding but as the memories slipped through, he felt a little better. After all, he did like Hikaru.

Akira peeked in the hall, looking back and forth trying to gauge where Hikaru's mother was and remembered she was out of town. Right, that would explain the headache, he seemed to recall drinking.

Then more of the night fell into place. He had arrived at Hikaru's house and a bunch of his friends were there - which he had neglected to mention - and when he protested, Hikaru just laughed at him and pressed beer into his hands.

Yes, he remembered the beer. He had consumed an unhealthy amount, trying to fit in with these other...children. Now he regretted it because the first time with Hikaru, he would have liked to have remembered every detail.

At least his mother wasn't home, he thought, placated, as he walked back into Hikaru's room. What he saw there made his eyes widen and he stumbled back against the door frame. He hadn't been in bed with Hikaru. He'd been in bed with a girl! And not just any girl, Hikaru's best friend - oh what was her name...- Akari!

Then it all came flooding back.


He'd been drunk, very drunk, and Hikaru had his arms around his middle, guiding him upstairs. He'd been giggling of all things because the alcohol made him quite uninhibited. Halfway up the stairs, Hikaru, pretty uninhibited himself had pressed him against the wall, kissing him gently.

Akari was at the bottom of the stairs. She'd raised her hand and cried out in alarm. "Hikaru!"

Hikaru just gave her a lazy smile. "Come on." He encouraged her and then tugged Akira's hand and led them both upstairs.

It was foggy what happened next, but he remembered his lips on Akari's, his hands grasping and fondling her breasts as Hikaru was dipped between her legs. Somehow their clothes had fallen off in the time his memory lapsed.

Akari had light little moans, a complete contrast to Hikaru's throaty ones. She didn't hesitate to pull Akira's hair, or direct them where to touch her.

They got her off, and then they pinned Hikaru. Akira licked and kissed his cock while Akari took care of his nipples.

When they were finished serving Hikaru, he'd been pinned. It was almost surreal to remember, Hikaru kising him, running his hands along his torso and Akari straddling his hips as she moved up and down on top of him.

The rest faded away into a post-alcoholic haze.


Akira just groaned, head in his hands. It was pounding and he was recalling a very embarrassing moment. He searched around the room quietly and found his clothes, getting dressed. The simple act of order made him feel better. Slowly, he took each step, one at a time as he went downstairs.

Hikaru was in the kitchen, chopsticks in his mouth. "-ey Touya..."

He blinked and glanced at Hikaru who was grinning.

"You'll come to my next party right?"

"No way." He said tersely and left the house.

Hikaru wasn't worried, Akira would come around. He always did.
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