Oh, good god. I haven't posted since last September. I really suck at updating things, don't I. Ah, well, so much for being a regular poster.
First off, there aren't going to be any postings of graphics for awhile. I recently upgraded my comp and so my copy of photoshop is outdated for this system. I do have to say that I absolutely love Win7. it's so much prettier than the other windows versions.
Second, I have a small subset of tiny fics that I've been editing over the last week, which will be being posted soon.
Fiction update:
Through the Looking Glass - is my new Vampire Knight short collection.
Basically the idea works something like this. Because some of my shorts happened in places and times that didn't occur in the manga, each short is a view into an alternate reality. Hence the title. For each reality or view through the looking glass, certain situations or decisions may or may not have happened as they did in VK cannon. So, for those who are interested you may suggest ideas for new realities.
(Posting should happen some time in the next week. I have to finish editing the first short, Dorm Leader Only, before I can post it.)
Unforseen and The Rat's Wheel - are both from the Gundam Seed fandom and only came about because I was flipping through the pages I had for Terminal and thought some of the scenes were quite brilliant and could stand on their own.
Terminal - is permanently on hiatus.
Looking back, I think I really tried to do to much in that story and I need to sharpen its focus quite a bit. I originally started it as a means of correctly representing the character of Meyrin which constantly gets butchered in most of the fics I've read. She always seemed a bit smart but that smart was more like she's got all this information coming in and so she ends up looking a bit scatter brained. I honestly think the poor girl gets a bad rap because of the poor writing in the series. But that's just me.
So, this one is down until I get it revised and probably won't get posted until I actually finish it.
And lastly but not least.
Juri's fic - which doesn't have a name yet. I find for my first foray into first person writing it's going rather well, if a bit slowly. This girl is a riot.
For those that are expecting it to be about her falling in love with Haruka, it's not. It's really all about Juri and how it is that she came to be the way she is. She starts off a bit like Yuuki in that she's been sheltered most of her life, not experienced the outside world all that much, etc. but her progression is half the fun of it.
So get ready to meet Juri unscripted and unfiltered. I will say this much, watching her progression and Rido's degression is going to be one hell of a lot of fun. Cause he doesn't start off all that bad (which keeps with the themes in VK in that most of the characters don't start off the way they end up).
And that's it for this update. Will try and get my hands on a copy of Photoshop sometime soon. I still have to finish the coloring of that cute pic of Zero as a playschool worker, its the one where he has a little Kaname lion on his lap.
On a side note. Recently bought a new iPod....decided that since it was black, I would call it Lelouch. Would've called it Zero, but that name is reserved for my labtop. Cause Zero is light and portable, not to mention he fits into most overhead carry bins.
You know, I keep thinking that I'm going to name some piece of electronics Kaname, but he just doesn't fit any of them. Contemplated calling the new desktop that, but ended up going with something else.