Since I've been using LJ more and more lately, as well as writing every week, I decided I'd create a fic index. I'll be updating this frequently. Huzzah, huzzah!
Oh, yes, it's worth mentioning that all I write is either general fic, or yaoi. No girls here! Though I think anyone visiting probably knows that already...
Ichigo x Ishida
A Kiss Before Dying -- [R] -- Ichigo suffers another encounter with Ulquiorra, and Ishida is too late to stop it.
Split Personalities -- [NC-17] -- Ishida's stuck between two Ichigos... or is he?
Sorry State of Affairs -- [PG-13] -- Ichigo experiences the Maggot's Nest firsthand.
Sasuke x Naruto
Violent Reunions -- [NC-17] -- Sasuke finally confronts Itachi... and perhaps an unexpected face.
ONE - The Reunion **
TWO - The Unexpected Face **
THREE - A Cruel Fate **
FOUR - In This Moment **
FIVE - Unbreakable Bonds