
Nov 29, 2008 23:24

Title: Destiny
Theme: #35 Camellia
Pairing/Characters: Athrun Zala/Cagalli Yula Attha
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed/Destiny or any of its characters


The brilliant rays of sunlight slyly avoided the filter of the curtains and cast its unforgiving shine onto the dwellers of the room. Its glare was subtle, but was sufficient to rouse the ignorant prince from his peaceful slumber.

Athrun turned comfortably on his side, a wide smile etched on his lips. His dreams were beautiful and his sleep was one of the best he had ever gotten ever since he enlisted into ZAFT. His consciousness was returning little by little, but he refused the entry of full state of awareness. With his eyes closed, he searched for the precious thing that established the reason behind his vulnerability and happiness.

Athrun laid his strong arms lazily over the side of the bed, where foreign but alluring warmth was. He inhaled a scent so sweet that it almost seemed to be forbidden. He searched for its source. His arms widened then came together again, expecting the one he loved to come into his embrace. However, what he came into contact was just air. Air tainted with fading warmth.

Athrun’s emerald eyes shot open like a bewildered bird frantically flapping it wings after a surprise shot from a hunter narrowly missed it. He quickly sat up straight in bed, praying his senses were mistaken.

“Cagalli?” Athrun called out uncertainly. A voice, a sound, anything would do. Anything would be sufficient to quell the fears gradually taking over him. He got out of bed and put on some clothes that were lying all over the floor. As he did so, he noticed that it was devoid of any feminine wear.

“Cagalli?” Athrun called out again as he approached the bathroom, hoping to hear the sounds of water, proof that she was still in his apartment. With slightly trembling hands, he opened the door.

The silence was deafening. The only sounds audible were the forgotten water drops on the large mirror slowly trickling down to the sides of the basin. Athrun unwittingly took a large intake of breath as a nominal discomfort in his stomach began to intensify.

“She must be somewhere else…” Athrun muttered to himself as he turned away from the bathroom and headed towards the exit of his spacious room. His large strides became smaller, slowed down by hesitance.

“She must be here.” Athrun repeated to himself as he opened the door of his room. He quickly glanced around his apartment, hoping to catch any view of her. Anything.

Athrun rushed to the kitchen, wishing she were there making breakfast for him. He ran to the study room, expecting to see her going through her documents there. He searched his apartment inside out, and outside in again to catch a glimpse of her.


Nothing at all. His apartment was empty, just like before. And he knew it, for its resident atmosphere had returned, gradually overpowering her feminine scent and temporary warmth. The unease in him had by now; graduated to launch a full-scale attack on his mentally weakened body.

He had to go. Athrun knew he had to go. He was not going to let her slip from his grasp again, not after she had given him hope when they shared a bond carved by passion from the night before. He sprinted to his room and threw the ajar door open. He swiftly put on a shirt, but could not help but notice the red marks that adorned his muscular chest. They were a tad lighter, but were similar to the ones he left on her.

As Athrun stopped for a while to stare at the love bites on his chest, the memories of the night they shared filled his Coordinator-engineered brain again and played out every single second perfectly. Cagalli returned his favour after he lavished her with his claims on her and he paid it back in double. In normal circumstances he would have smirked at her embarrassment. However to him now, the love bites were useless. The impression they left was deep, but lacked the most important thing.


Athrun rushed out of his apartment, not even bothering to check if the door was closed properly behind him. He didn’t give a damn about his posh house being looted when the most important thing in his life was going to be stolen from him. Using all of his Coordinator-given abilities, he was in his black Lamborghini in a moment and speeding away on the roads to where he thought Cagalli would be. As the uneasiness in him spread, the pressure on the accelerator increased in the same extent. A very bad feeling was circulating within him and he tried his very best to push it away from his consciousness, all the time praying none of his worst nightmares would come true.

Athrun pulled in at the entrance of the Attha manor after impatiently speeding through the compulsory security checks. The message had gotten around that the top Commander of ZAFT had arrived at the manor and did not seem to be in a very favourable mood. Not wanting to destroy any fragile diplomatic relations, the staff sped things up but to Athrun, it seemed like they were working at a snail’s pace. He could only barely stop himself from barking at them.

Athrun got out of the car as soon as it stopped and threw the door of the entrance open rather roughly, totally ignoring the guards by the side who were staring at him in shock. He went, without much trouble to his intended destination, as everyone in the building knew about his arrival and also his foul mood.

Athrun knew the place well; it had never changed ever since the days he was working as Cagalli’s bodyguard under the alias of Alex Dino. He went straight to Cagalli’s office where he assumed she would be, not even giving a glance to flustered maids and guards who greeted him nervously. His impatience was evident and the security in front of the main office knew better than to stall him. Anyway, they had already been given instructions to let him in once he arrived.

Storming into the main office without even casting a glance to the bewildered security personnel, Athrun searched the room for the only one his eyes wanted to see. A bunch of seemingly unfamiliar but downright familiar faces greeted him. They were staring straight at him and in his state of fuzziness he could not really read their expressions as well as he usually could.

“Athrun!” A male voice sounded and echoed through the room, breaking the trance the ZAFT Commander had been in.

Something in Athrun snapped as he finally opened his eyes to the reality in front of him. Kira and Lacus were looking upon him in worry with the towering Kisaka beside them.

“Cagalli…” Athrun muttered as he pushed them all aside so that the office desk would be in his full view. He half expected and hoped, with his entire heart that she would be sitting there, looking up at him from her mountains of documents with those sparkling amber eyes and smiling back at him. But all he saw was nothing. Nothing at all.

The table had been cleared out that not a single trace of its previous owner could be detected. It glistened in the morning light that was gradually turning up the knob on its intensity, as if to brag its emptiness. Athrun’s emerald eyes widened as an unnatural light reflected off it.

“Cagalli.” Athrun exhaled. “Where is she?” He let out, voice just above a whisper. “Where is she!” he repeated, this time almost as loud as a scream.

“Athrun! Calm down!” Kira said as he tried to hold onto him.

“Kira!” Athrun turned to face the brunette as he clasped his shoulders in a tight grip. “Where is Cagalli?”

“I…I don’t know…” Was all Kira managed to stutter before Athrun shoved him aside rudely. He caught sight of the silent Kisaka and marched straight up to him. He glared at the older man with such frightening concentration it could kill a normal man on the spot. However, Kisaka was no ordinary man. Years serving in the Orb military had toughened him and age had bestowed upon him wisdom and the intellect to read emotions. He, guardian of their obstinate princess knew all her matters very well too. Therefore, the Athrun in front of him to him was nothing more than a normal man trying to bluff his way into the ranks of ferocious pirates.

Athrun grabbed Kisaka’s clothes in his trembling hands and affixed upon him his terrifying glare. He used his Coordinator strength to slightly lift the taller Kisaka up, trying to instill fear within him.

“Where is Cagalli.” Athrun hissed dangerously, his words more of an order than a plea.

“Where is she.” He repeated himself, venom dripping from every single sound he uttered. His usually bright emerald eyes had dulled and they were encased in slits.

“Where is she!!!” Athrun has finally snapped and was shaking Kisaka violently with all the strength he had in his arms. Kira and Lacus, upon seeing this, rushed over and tried to pry his hands off the older man to no avail. His hands had a death grip on his shirt and he was not planning to remove them anytime soon.

Kisaka did not move a single inch, even from the attacks of the stronger Athrun. He opened his eyes to look down at the burning eyes of the half-crazed young man. He could tell how broken he was inside and how close he was to losing his sanity. He however, was not going to have him, a promising young man with a kind heart fall into the depths of darkness just like that: he had an obligation to protect him. He remembered his promise to the late Chairman of Orb, Uzumi Nara Athha, to protect the precious seeds of their future. He had no intention of breaking a promise to a man he deeply respected.

Kisaka was a well-respected figure in the Orb military as well as to the normal Orb citizens who knew him. He has lived in Orb all his life and is fiercely loyal to the country and her leaders. From the moment he joined the Orb military, he had sworn his entire life and future to the nation. He never married, although with his tall and strong build, honest demeanor and a stable job and high pay together with the sense of security he gave women, he was considered to be an eligible bachelor and was most highly sought after in his younger days. He never took a second look at any of them though; his sight was focused on something higher, something which he thought to be nobler than his own life. There was a woman who was hopelessly in love with him and tried every single way to garner his attention. Kisaka had tried to persuade her many times to stop wasting her time on him and find a better man better suited to her than he is. However, her love for him was much deeper than that. She loved him so much that she knew she would never find someone else worthy of her love. To be closer to him, she joined the Orb military as a female soldier. It was her way of feeling his passion, doing what he was doing so as to close the distance between them, no matter how insignificant it was. She was gentle and feminine and everyone knew she was not one suited for the military. But she ignored all objections and braved all the hardships so that she could be with the one in her heart. Kisaka never told anyone, but at slowly, he felt his resolve starting to shatter. Her determination was breaking the wall he had purposefully built around his romantic feelings. However, it was not to be. The day he decided to take things further with her was the day she died in a military mishap. He broke down as he received news of her falling and once more as he went through her personal belongings. There were lots of pictures of him as well as a diary depicting her feelings from day to day. Through Kisaka, she had learnt to love Orb the way he did. It however, was the cause of her downfall. He blamed himself for her death and from that day onwards, he swore to serve Orb with all his life, for the one she had fallen in love with was the Kisaka who loved Orb from the bottom of his heart.

From just a mere soldier, with his superior strength and intellect and admirable leadership skills, Kisaka quickly rose up the ranks to become a Commander which was directly under the supervision of the Orb Chairman at that time, Uzumi Nara Attha. Working so close to their revered leader only fuelled his respect and admiration for him. He was able to gain his trust and Uzumi was soon confiding in him in both country and personal matters. One of them was of his only daughter, Cagalli Yula Attha. She was brought up like a princess but acted like she wasn’t one. She was rebellious at a young age and he was afraid her unruly ways would continue without proper supervision. He had very little time for her and was always secretly worrying about her. Kisaka could not bear to see Uzumi’s tired frown whenever news reached him that the Princess had gotten into some kind of trouble again. Therefore, he volunteered to be the Princess’s guardian to teach her and guide her. Uzumi had not readily agreed to his request; it was only after his relentless pleading that he finally gave way.

“I can’t thank you enough Kisaka.” Uzumi had said to him.

“You do not need to thank me Chairman.” Kisaka had replied. “I’m only doing my job as an Orb citizen. The Princess, she is the future of our nation. I’m only fulfilling my obligations.”

The two men smiled at each other with understanding and new found respect. From that day onwards, Kisaka was assigned to become Cagalli’s guardian while fulfilling the roles of a bodyguard and teacher at the same time. He was with her everywhere she went, from being the rebellious princess to a resistance fighter; from a girl heartbroken from the death of her father to a leader; he was with her all the way. He knew her like nobody else did and he watched as those bright, shining amber eyes changed to one dulled and pained as the years passed. Cagalli never ever let out her problems or cried in front of anyone ever since the end of the second war. She believed it would only make her look weak and a leader had to be strong under any circumstance. From then on, she picked on the bad habit of bottling everything up within her. Kisaka could only watch as the hurt threatened to overwhelm her at times but whenever he approached her, any sign of it was gone. She was quickly learning the ways of the scheming world of politics, where betrayal of your true feelings could prove fatal. However he knew she was breaking down inside. The burden of an entire country coupled with a lost love weighed down on her small and fragile shoulders. The unseen tears she was crying on the inside; each of them was like a blade stabbing his heart. He had learnt to love her like his own daughter and to see her in such pain was such a torture to him. There are times he would ask in front of Uzumi’s grave if he really meant for his daughter to suffer so much.

Lack of suitors was the least of Cagalli’s problems though. Proposals poured in by the dozens and there were even some who waited day and night by the gates of the manor carrying bouquets and screeching out their undying love for the Princess. Cagalli had also caught the hearts of certain eligible bachelors, someone like the Prince of Scandinavia. They were close, but not close enough to be lovers. Kisaka could see the longing in the eyes of the handsome male but Cagalli seemed to have rejected all romantic affections from affecting her. She was originally dense in this area but there was a bigger reason for it, he knew. She still longed for the Coordinator with blue hair and green eyes. However, she had distanced herself from him, believing it to be the best for the both of them as well as for Orb and PLANTS. That, together with her obligations to Orb was slowly but surely breaking her apart.

Kisaka could see it in the eyes of the man in front of him. The deep forest in them had disappeared. Instead, pain, hurt and disbelief was brimming from its surface, stemming from his love for her. Two people whom Uzumi had entrusted the future of the world to; two people who he had vowed to protect; two people who loved each other; two people who hurt each other; two people who needed the chance to search for their lost happiness. There was so much he wanted to do, but there were some things that were just not up to him. He could only do what he could do.

“She’s gone.” Kisaka replied. “She has resigned from office. It officially takes effect today.”

The grip on Kisaka’s clothes loosened a little as shock registered on Athrun’s features. His dim green eyes wandered from left to right and his breaths became rapid.

“What do you mean?” Those lost green eyes of his concentrated back on Kisaka. “What do you mean!” he screamed.

Without saying a word, Kisaka pressed a button near him and a live broadcast played in front of them. The morning news was on and there was a huge ‘Breaking News!’ sign plastered on the screen. Even the normally calm announcer looked flustered.

“Good morning.” The announcer said holding a thick pile of papers in front of her. “We have a piece of important news. The Chairman of Orb, Cagalli Yula Attha, has officially tendered her resignation from office this morning. Her resignation has taken effect this morning. The reason behind the sudden move by the Chairman is not known. We are now trying to contact the authorities for more details.”

Athrun watched the news with his green eyes opened wide. Every word that came out from the announcer seemed to strike his chest with a heavy force. The weight of reality was what it was holding and it attacked whatever remaining sanity he had left.

“Cagalli has left. She has left Orb.” Kisaka’s words wafted in the tense air of the room.

Athrun’s attention returned to the older man. He tightened his grip once again as he pushed Kisaka roughly backwards.

“Where did she go.” Athrun glared at him menacingly. “Where did she go!”

“I don’t know.” Kisaka answered simply.

“How can you not know! How can you not know!” Athrun jerked Kisaka violently. Kira and Lacus decided to intervene again by trying to calm him down and trying to get him to release his grip on Kisaka.

“It’s true Athrun! Kisaka doesn’t know!” Lacus said, her brows knitted with worry.

“She didn’t even tell us!” Kira let out in a loud voice before it slowly faded. “Cagalli…didn’t even tell us…”

At Kira’s disappointed and depressed tone, the sanity that Athrun had lost finally returned to him. He studied the faces of the people in the room. They had all the same expression on their faces.

Sadness and disappointment. He realised he was not the only one hurt but Cagalli’s sudden departure. The people in the room loved her almost as much as he did.

“She was tired. The burden on her, it got too much for her. She was on the verge of breaking down.” Kisaka said. “She wanted to leave. She wanted to go somewhere, somewhere she can breathe.”

Athrun turned his attention back to Kisaka, who had his head bowed down and eyes closed. It was evident he was hurt just as much as he did. He was probably the lucky one, for he was the last one to see her before she left. However to him, he was the one hurt the most, for she had given him promise of an eternal future and dashed it all the very next day. It seemed to him as if the chance given to him had been cruelly snatched away by fate once again. Athrun could no longer keep in the emotions welling inside of him. He fell to his knees; his shoulders limp as he stared blankly at the ceiling. All of a sudden, he gave out a deafening cry, accentuating his bitterness with the hoarseness of his voice. His upper body seemed to lose all energy after his cry and he bowed his head down, his hands supporting the weight of his upper body by propping him up on the floor. His midnight-blue hair that had so often beautifully framed his impeccable features fell messily over his face laced with pain and hurt. He kept his green eyes hidden behind his weary eyelids, but they were not sufficient to stop the onset of the bottomless tears that gushed out from within them. The tears fell down his face from the sides and drops fell to the carpeted floor. As they did, they left a stain at the area they had ravaged, the ground where Cagalli once stepped upon.

The air in the aeroplane was pleasant and calm. The flight was empty and it did a lot to lessen the pressure on both the cabin crew as well as the passengers. A lone woman was sitting at the window seat, staring absent-mindedly out of the window, her hand perched on the armrest, supporting her chin. Her ravishing blonde hair was tied up slightly to the back, leaving her fringe lightly framing her delicate features and her golden tresses gently flowing at the back. On her nose perched a pair of frameless glasses that sought to hide her amber eyes. Pink lip gloss was lightly dabbed on her full lips; it was simple but brought out her natural beauty. She was dressed in a high-collared yellow blouse and a white skirt that fell below her knees. Her jacket, in contrast, was a deep black one which covered her arms and neck from view.

“Miss Via Hibiki?” A flight stewardess approached the woman with a smile on her face. “What would you like to have after take-off?”

The woman turned her attention towards the attendant and answered:

“Camellia tea please.”

“Camellia tea?” The flight stewardess repeated. “I understand. Drinks will be served shortly after the aircraft stabilises after take-off. If there is anything else please do not hesitate to call on any of the flight attendants.” She said in her professional tone.

“Ok, thank you.” She replied with a smile.

The flight stewardess’s gaze lingered on her a little longer before her eyes lit up. “Miss Hibiki, has anyone ever told you that you resemble the Princess a lot?”

“Yes, many people tell me that.” She answered. “But she is prettier than I am.”

“I think both of you are just as beautiful.” The flight stewardess said with a smile. “Sorry for taking up your time Miss Hibiki!” With a polite bow, she disappeared down the aisle.

Cagalli once again shifted her attention to the view outside of the aircraft. She would be leaving Orb for a long time, under the identity of Via Hibiki. She had adopted the alias from her birth mother. After Uzumi had revealed the truth of her parentage, she had researched a bit on them. They were top scientists working under the best science facility in Orb under the control of the government of Orb. Many documents on the research of the Hibiki couple had been destroyed but using her connections and power, Cagalli had come to know certain otherwise forgotten facts. The fact that Kira was the Ultimate Coordinator born outside the womb of their mother, how Via had so vehemently objected to their son being made the Ultimate Coordinator and also of the close friendship between her birth parents and adopted father. Uzumi had taken her in and gave her royal status after the mysterious deaths of her parents and raised her like his own daughter, a fact she knew very well.

Cagalli had often lamented herself on the fact that she was not as capable as Uzumi. All she felt when she was holding on to the most powerful position in Orb was that the country she was leading was declining from her glory days when Uzumi was at her helm. No matter how difficult it became, she egged herself on, her only source of motivation being the dying wish left to her by her father. However, there were things in the world that could not be overcome by sheer will and determination alone. She could feel her body and soul slowly deteriorating in power. She was tired, very tired, and Orb wasn’t making any improvement in her opinion. Plus, she had lost too much in order to fulfil her obligations.

A dark-coloured jacket lay neatly folded on Cagalli’s lap. She picked it up gingerly as her eyes traced every detail, as if trying to piece out the image of the owner in her mind. She did, and Athrun, handsome and charming in his suit appeared before her.

Their relationship had always been something far from normal. Their first meeting had already been strange enough: meeting on a deserted island, Athrun thinking that she was a boy and both of them had weapons directed towards each other before that enmity faded. They had always been so close, yet so far. The major turning point was during the second war when he had went back to ZAFT, berated Cagalli for her choices and then defected from ZAFT back to her once more. However, he had brought along with him a Coordinator girl, Meyrin Hawke.

Meyrin was a sweet and innocent girl in Cagalli’s eyes and she couldn’t bring herself to hate her. However, to say that she was not heartbroken was a blatant lie. Her heart ached when she saw her with Athrun but after thinking it through, she thought that she would make a better other half for him than her. Fighting back her tears and ignoring the painful throbbing in her left chest, she let him go. She had a whole country on her hands and to her, it was more important than a romantic relationship. However, she would be lying if she had stated she felt no jealousy at all. There would be an uncomfortable ache at her heart area when she got news of Athrun visiting Meer’s grave. Sometimes, she hated herself for that and therefore she was more determined to numb herself of these emotions. Forget all that they have shared; forget all the love she harboured for him and forget every single thing of him. She told herself that millions of times, but her gaze somehow always seemed to return to the handsome emerald-eyed Coordinator who had become the Top Commander of ZAFT stationed in Orb. She compared every man she met to him and they all never made the mark. He was in a class of his own. The place he held in was special; no one could ever replace him.

Cagalli hugged the jacket gently. It was still filled with Athrun’s masculine scent. Aside from the numerous red marks that covered her neck and chest area possessively, it was the only thing that reminded her of him and their steamy night of passion. She knew she probably would have hurt him leaving without a word, giving him hopes then dashing it almost immediately. All she wanted was to see him before she left Orb, but the night had led to something further. She gave him all of her and he gave her all of him. She didn’t care if it was just a simple fling for him; all she wanted was to leave a part of him in her memories. However she saw it in his eyes; he desired her just as much as she desired him. The flame they held for each other had never gone out after all the years. Even so she could not promise him anything. She had to leave, far away from Orb, away from the chains that reined her down. She felt it was the best for Orb, as well as her, to leave the country and give up her position as chairman.

“This is probably…for the best…” Cagalli muttered as she hugged the jacket even closer to her. She thought it may even be the best for Athrun. He could go find someone else, someone else much better than her. She inhaled in the intoxicating scent from the jacket again, holding on to the last thing to remember their relationship by.

Tense and formal were perhaps apt descriptions for a Commander’s office, but Athrun’s office was far from that. A pleasant mood described the atmosphere in his office the best.

“How’s work?” Kira asked, sipping his ice-cold lemon tea while eyeing the mountains of neatly stacked documents on his desk and on the floor.

“It’s ok.” Athrun replied, picking up his coffee mug and looking at Kira sucking on a straw amusedly. “The piles there are done a few weeks ago, I only have a few more to go.”

“A Commander has such a light workload? Is that legal?” Kira joked.

“I’m efficient.” Athrun replied and the two men laughed together.

Athrun stole a glance at Kira after their laughter had ceased. He tried to bring up the following subject as naturally as possible.

“S…so…did Cagalli send back anything?” he asked.

Kira looked straight into Athrun’s eyes and the Coordinator quickly averted his gaze. He knew that his best friend never forgot his sister even after two years. He figured out that he probably had her picture somewhere on his table but was quickly put away on his arrival. Something must have happened between the two of them the night before Cagalli left silently but he never knew the exact details. He felt it was the cause of the almost mental breakdown he suffered after he received news of her departure but he never asked Athrun anything about it.

“Oh yes she did, from Mexico.” Kira quipped casually. “Some souvenirs and postcards as usual, but it was dated two months ago.”

“I…I see…” Athrun let out, trying to cover his disappointed tone. However, it was too obvious to escape Kira’s sharp eye.

After Cagalli had left them, Athrun was almost like a crazy man. He searched everywhere for her, and when her postcards arrived, he would rush to the place immediately and search the country as well as her neighbours. He disregarded all the advice from his friends and blindly did what his brain told him to do. It got too painful to watch for Kira and Lacus they tried to hold him back and dissuade him from doing what in their eyes was the actions of a half-crazed man. However, nothing went into him, not a single word. He only woke up after Yzak sent a heavy punch across his face, bruising the spot for an entire fortnight.

“Just look at your pathetic self Zala!” Yzak had shouted at him. “Look at the state you’re in! If I was Attha I would have dumped you!”

Yzak’s words were not on the kind side and were not pleasant to the ears either, but they worked a magical effect on Athrun. The punch of his shook him back to reality. What he was doing was redundant. If Cagalli did not want to be found, then she could not be found. She had her reasons to not wanting to be found, just like she had her reasons for leaving. He was just disgracing himself with his childish actions. Therefore, he stopped searching for her and immersed himself back in his work once again. Kira and Lacus were relieved, for they thought that he had somehow gotten back to normal. He had indeed regained his sanity, but returned to that empty shell he was before that night.

“You remember the state you were in when Cagalli left? You went searching for her even though we told you not to.” Kira commented to a silent Athrun. “But I’m glad you finally regained your senses.”

Athrun just gave a chuckle in response. Those days were blurred out in his memory. He could only remember himself flying and running everywhere searching for the only one in his mind. He finally calmed down, which was months later after the scolding from Yzak. However, he never gave up his search for Cagalli. Unknown to anyone, he sent lookouts to every part of the globe as well as into space to tap for information regarding the missing ex-Chairman of Orb. He had been unsuccessful thus far, but he was not going to give up. He was not going to give her up without a fight.

Athrun tried every single way to get the tiniest bit of information about the ‘missing’ former Orb chairman. Every time he received news of a promising lead, only for it to turn into a dead clue. Due to their close relations with Orb, Athrun had every reason to deduce that she was in Scandinavia. He had regular lookouts there but when it all came to nothing, he had every reason to become suspicious that someone high up may be hiding her there. Thus, during a gathering of the important figures of the world, he struck up a conversation with the Prince of Scandinavia, something he thought he would never do.

The conversation began as a normal one between politicians, casual yet careful. Athrun was careful not to go straight into his main question, although he had no patience at all. He knew that the Prince was intelligent too and was cautious not to allow him to see right through him.

“The Princess of Orb,” Athrun started. “Or rather, the ex-chairman of Orb has very good relations with Scandinavia. But her whereabouts is still unknown isn’t it?”

The handsome Prince looked straight into Athrun’s emerald eyes with his own dazzling blue ones. He was silent, but kept that stare and smile on his face. At that moment, Athrun knew he had failed at concealing his real intentions. He had failed miserably. Those eyes of his contained far more insight than he thought they did.

“Princess Cagalli is not in Scandinavia.” The Prince answered the question Athrun truly wanted to ask. “I have searched the entire nation once I heard of her resignation from office and subsequently, unknown whereabouts.” He added.

Athrun was quite surprised with the Prince’s honesty. He did not think that he would have answered him in such a straight manner. He has expected him to put his words in a more complicated and meaningful way or reject his question by turning the conversation away in another direction. However, his bluntness had the Coordinator totally put off-guard.

All this while, the Prince did not lift his gaze off the man beside him. Although his insight played a big part, it was not solely responsible for his ability to identify what the ZAFT Commander really wanted to ask. He had been observing Athrun since a long time ago, or more specifically, he had gained his interest because he always observed Cagalli stealing glances at Athrun when he was not looking but treating him in the formal manner reserved for politicians when speaking to him. He once caught her staring too long at him with a forlorn expression in those beautiful golden eyes. Irritation built up within him and he knew immediately it was due to jealousy. Was he allowed to let his jealousy surface?

Due to his rapid and successful rebuilding of Scandinavia, the Prince had been promoted to almost a god-like status. Together with his “too good for human beings” outward appearance and tact in handling post-war political situations, he was seen as a higher class being who had the ability to throw away his emotions. He however, was only man and had wept when his country and father was killed in the attacks on Scandinavia. He found comfort in Cagalli who had went through the same ordeal. Both of them had pledged together to move on and rebuild their country. Knowing her since childhood, he used subtle ways to court her but she never seemed to notice. Was it because she had been heartbroken? Was it because another person resided in her heart? He had fame, looks, wealth and power, but was this one woman he truly loved but could not have?

“However,” he continued, making sure Athrun had his full attention and was staring straight into those sky blue eyes of his. “Next time if I ever find her in my country, or anywhere else, I will have no obligation to report it to you.”

The tone the Prince used stunned Athrun and his eyes visibly widened. This was the first time he had heard the Prince speaking to him in such a manner. He knew it at that moment. The Prince was a contender; a fierce contender in fact, for the affections of the girl of his dreams.

“If she wants to keep her identity or whereabouts secret from the rest of the world, I would most gladly do that.” The Prince continued, making sure his words was drilled deep into his partner. After a momentary pause he said:

“And if I ever find her in Scandinavia, I will make sure she will never leave Scandinavia again!”

Those last words sure stirred up Athrun’s already fumbled thoughts. This was the Prince’s declaration of an all-out war of love towards him. His widened eyes quickly narrowed into slits as he quickly accepted the battle thrown at him.

“If I find her first,” Athrun said, staring straight at the Prince. “I will make sure she will never step into Scandinavia again as a single woman.”

Visits to the jazz bar had become a regular routine for Athrun. Yzak had personally dragged him to the bar after his months of senseless searching and ordered a drinking match between the both of them. Since then, he had been frequenting the bar once again. He had returned to life before that night, immersing himself in work, then alcohol to numb the emptiness away. The challenge issued to him by the Prince was still in his head, but his confidence was gradually melting away. What if he had already found her? Athrun shook his head and continued to down the alcohol to forget everything. He slowly realised that ever since his absence, old, sentimental tunes were often being belted out in the bar. The slow, addicting melody played out in his mind over and over again and he would often find it repeating itself when he was not in the bar. More often or not, he found himself pondering over some of the lyrics of the songs.

“And if she returns in kind, I’ll know she’s mine…” Athrun had let out after the song had finished. “Maybe my love will come back someday, only heaven knows…” He laid his head back on the seat and chuckled.

“The song seemed to be directed at me.” He thought, feeling both amused and melancholic.

The song that played on the night Cagalli was there at the bar was also requested quite often. Every time Athrun heard it, he would see images of her sitting beside him, drinking while looking so desirable. More often or not, he would then laugh at his useless and pitiful self. Two years had passed since then, and he still could not escape her shadows lingering around him. He often wondered why he was so relentless in his pursuit of her, to the point of waiting two whole years for her without knowing if Cagalli would ever return. Was she so attractive? Was she so appealing? Was she worth the wait?

To Athrun, the answer was yes. Cagali may not be the most beautiful woman in the world, she may not have the best figure and she may not possess the best character a man would hope his wife to have, but to him she was his everything. Racking his brains for an answer, he came up with none. The only logical answer he heard was that all logic fails when you love someone. And it seemed to fully sum up his case.

Somehow or other, Athrun was glad he was in the top brass of ZAFT, for it meant work, work, and more work for him, which he considered a blessing for it took away some of his longing for Cagalli. How his subordinates hated his efficiency. Having an efficient boss would mean loads of work and overtime for them. Athrun sure noticed this, but he was not in the mood to care about how his poor subordinates were coping with the extra amount of work. They were getting fulfilling pay checks out of it and many were strutting into work with the latest designer bag or a new luxury pen. Dearka came strolling in one day into his office and casually commented in his amusement:

“You have a bunch of half-dead dogs out there!”

Athrun wasn’t sure his workers would like to hear the word “dogs” being used to describe them, but the “half-dead” description was definitely fitting. He knew of the hopeful looks being thrown towards his office whenever it approached the end of the day which were quickly dulled seeing another mountain of paper being sent out of his office.

Athrun knew he was just being difficult with himself, his workers unfortunate receivers of his wrath. He knew he needed a break, as well as all of his staff. After all, he had sort of sobered after two years. There was no meaning in immersing himself in his work just to forget Cagalli. She wouldn’t return just because he was doing work. He would not stop thinking of her by getting loads of documents done in a day. It was just the nearest escape route for him.

“You know what Kira?” Athrun said as he leaned back comfortably in his chair. “I think it is time for me to take a break.”

“Really?” Kira’s eyes lit up in genuine surprise.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Athrun threw Kira a look jokingly.

“Athrun the workaholic is taking a break? Wow! That is something new!” Kira replied. The two men then looked at each other and laughed.

“What are you planning to do?” Kira asked after their laughter had ceased.

“I was thinking…I will probably go on a holiday…” Athrun replied, looking up at the ceiling.

“Where?” Kira inquired again.

“Maybe…Italia…” Athrun let out.

“Italia?” Kira repeated. “That would be nice! There is pizza, pasta, risotto…”

“I’m not only going there for the food!” Athrun chuckled openly at his best friend. “There are many other things to do there! Besides, I have lots of other choices, like Januarius, the Allied Pacific Islands, Greenland…”

“Ok ok! So when will you be leaving?” Kira asked.

“Maybe next week? I’ll be on leave from the day after.” Out of the corner of his eye, Athrun spotted two of his co-workers who were punching the air in delight. Surely they had received the news that Commander Zala would be on vacation for quite a period of time.

“Remember the presents!” Kira winked at Athrun. “One for me, one for Lacus and one each for my little boy and girl! And don’t forget the children at the orphanage! That adds up to about…forty? That will give you some extra to spare just in case you forget somebody!” he smiled smugly.

“All right I get it!” Athrun gave a sigh. “And Kira?” his voice softened. When he was sure he got the attention of the brunette, he said: “If Cagalli sends anything back, contact me ok?”

Kira looked at Athrun and a slightly melancholic smile crossed his face. “I will.”

Great weather, beautiful sights, tasty food and aromatic coffees. This was what Italia was about and what Athrun favoured as a holiday destination. The only thing he wasn’t asking for was the people. Hordes of people gathered on the extensively decorated streets, most of them wearing fanciful Venetian masks. The Carnival of Venice held annually during Mardi Gras was at its highlight tonight. Athrun would have preferred to watch the view from his hotel room, thus avoiding the partying crowds, but enthusiastic and eager hotel employees had told him so much about the festival and how he was in Italia at the right time and how they wished they could have joined in the celebrations that he felt bad for just staying in his hotel room tonight. He half-regretted it when he noticed the sea of people in the main streets of Venice and wanted to make a turn back into the hotel, pretending to be sick or something. However, he persuaded himself to stay and look. It is not everyday you get to join the Carnival of Venice, a traditional festival that had been around for centuries.

Athrun walked along the streets filled with people dressed in exaggerated costumes and masks. Those that weren’t dressed to the occasion were laughing and dancing too. Most of the shops were closed, except bars, eateries and shops selling masks and costumes. Crowds may not be on the top of his favourite list, but this was a whole new experience altogether. He walked along the streets, glancing at the different costumes and taking in the festive mood. Soon he found himself in the famed Piazza de Angel or the Square of Angels.

The Square of Angels was one of the places highly recommended by travel guides and hotel employees alike. It is a “must-see”, although it is nothing more than an empty space void of any structures other than lamps and the shop houses surrounding it. Most festival celebrations were held at the square, the most prolific one being the Carnival of Venice on Mardi Gras. Even though it is just an “empty space”, it was never truly empty, for it was always filled with people. In the day, travellers and shoppers fill the square, while at night party-goers claim the area as their party ground.

The Square of Angels, Athrun thought, was a beautiful name. However, the history behind its name was less than pretty. From the ancient times till the present Cosmic Era, countless battles had been fought among these grounds. Although it had always remained in Italia’s territory, blood of both their soldiers and of the enemies stained the grounds of the square. The Italian people mourned the deaths of their brave soldiers and blessed the place, hoping they would become angels after their death. The square was empty only when Italia was immersed in war. It was untouched during the second war but was destroyed in the first war. Seeing the successful rebuilding of the place and life returning to it was a solace for Athrun. ZAFT troops played a role in its destruction and nothing would make him gladder than having it turning into a prominent landmark for peace.

Probably the largest attraction of the Square of Angels was the legend surrounding it. Since the ancient times, the piazza had been a place of congregation and many legends were born out of it. The most famous one was that if two lovers were separated and could not find each other in the square again, they are destined to break up. If they find each other again, they are destined to be together forever. Nobody has verified nor rebutted the claim but it continued to be a source of the hordes of people flocking towards the famed attraction.

Athrun was slightly amused when he heard of the legend. Not only do most of the travellers believe in it, even the locals believe in it too. He was more of a rational person, being in the military for so long and brushed it off as mere romanticism. However, he could not stop himself from dreaming about meeting Cagalli through pure coincidence in the square. He did not know how badly he wished the legend would come true on him, just that he wished he would be the recipient of the miracle.

Athrun stopped to watch a group of people dressed like tri-angels and dancing in a circle. All the fun and laughter they were having were contagious and managed to put a smile on his face, only that it was not as filled with happiness as theirs for he wished there was this one person who could share the moment with him.

“Cagalli…” Athrun thought, turning his attention towards the night sky. “Where are you?”

Crowds. Laughter. Smiles. Life. Put them in an equation and add them all up together and you will get the Carnival of Venice, which at the same time, was the answer on what makes Cagalli happy. She smiled as she walked along the streets of Venice, taking in all the love and happiness around her. The Carnival of Venice is just like living proof of the peaceful world now as politicians and civilians alike strive to end all hostility and bloodshed that had plagues the two different types of human beings in the world. Everyone in the world has the prerogative to smile and laugh like that and not allow war to wipe that away from their faces.

Cagalli had always wanted to join in the Carnival of Venice. Surprisingly, in her two years of travels, this was the first time she had stepped upon Italian soil as a vacationer. And for a very good reason too. Her surprise resignation from office and sudden departure shocked the world and reporters and tabloids were hot on her heels, all trying to be the first to report on the whereabouts of the missing Orb Princess. However, she had concealed her tracks well. Plus some political pressure from the Orb government and some intellect which sent them on wild goose chases ensured she would not be found until she wanted to. She flew anywhere as and when she liked it, even if it meant travelling to the other end of the earth, or on a shuttle to space and back, then to space again. Cagalli also made extra sure she did not leave any traces behind besides the gifts and postcards that would reach Kira at a certain date because she knew Athrun was looking for her. She knew he would be searching for her like a madman everywhere. Coupled with his sharp senses, if she wasn’t careful enough, she would be found pretty quickly. Cagalli didn’t know how to and could fathom the thought of facing him. Meeting him prematurely might just damage the relationship already damaged by her sudden departure after that night. However, she always kept Athrun’s jacket with her. She didn’t send him anything not pass him any messages, but after two long years, she still couldn’t forget him, just like she could not forget him after the second war. At times, she wanted to slap herself silly for being such an idiot. She had to make two big detours finally to realise she still loved him. She always did.

Cagalli didn’t know how long she would continue her travels for. She travelled everywhere, seeing and trying everything. Probably it would come to the end when she would find an answer to a non-existent question she held within her.

Cagalli glanced around at the beautifully-dressed people around her. She, in contrast, was clad in only a white dress and sandals. When giving a reason to a disappointed café owner she had become quite close to, she said:

“It is so that I can observe the beauty in my perspective.”

Cagalli walked along, stopping momentarily to stare at a group of people dressed like tri-angels and dancing happily. She watched them with a smile before walking away again. Observing the crowds, she remembered the tale the café owner had told her.

“Piazza de Angel is the most romantic place in the world!” He said proudly in his thick Italian accent. “From the past, the piazza is the place for lovers. If they were to get lost in the square and found each other again, they are destined by God to be together forever! You might not believe me but I met my wife at the piazza!”

Cagalli smiled at the memory. The owner’s bright smiling face was deeply etched in her mind. The legend of the Square of Angels did not matter to them. The place is a special place for them, and that is the most important thing. If such a thing would happen to her right here in Venice, she would, without hesitation…

Cagalli shook her head vigorously. “No, it is not going to happen. This sort of thing…doesn’t happen…doesn’t happen…to me…”

Athrun didn’t know how long he had been walking for; he just walked and walked without feeling tired at all. After all he is a Coordinator and was blessed with great stamina. He could feel anticipation in the air and took a glance at his watch. 11.59pm. It was almost time for the highlight of the Carnival of Venice, the fireworks.

The Carnival of Venice boasts one of the most spectacular fireworks in the world and this year it is especially extravagant. Fireworks masters from all around the world have been invited to create and stage a vibrant fireworks show no one will ever forget. “Just as well that I am here.” Athrun thought.

A large screen on a building lit up suddenly and urged everyone to count down together. Cheers from the crowd erupted as they chanted to the numbers on the screen.

“20! 19! 18! 17!” The partying people screamed in anticipation. Everyone had stopped where they are in order to catch the big show. Athrun too, had stopped in his tracks and despite himself, was eagerly waiting for the clock to strike zero.

“15! 14! 13! 12!” The people around Cagalli chanted. The excitement had passed on to her and she could her heart thumping. To her, it felt great to be just like a normal person, enjoying parades, parties and festivals and be excited over the small things in life. In fact, when she was still in Orb, she could see fireworks every New Year from her office. However this was different. She was in the midst of people, and was one of them. A smile broke across her features as she waited for the all-important moment.

“8! 7! 6!” Time was chipping away second by second. As it did, excitement in the crowd grew. The chants became louder and louder as the numbers got progressively smaller.

“3! 2! 1!” Loud cheers erupted across the Square of Angels as a large boom sounded. Athrun looked up to the dark night sky which was now illuminated by the most brilliant fireworks he had ever seen. The night sky was the canvas and the fireworks were the paint being skilfully spread across it. The sky was turned into a piece of art. People cheered amidst the loud firing sounds emitted. Athrun didn’t regret coming down all the way to the Square just for this. Even if the life span of this particular art piece is short, it will stay etched in his mind forever.

A last loud boom and the entire sky were filled with light once again. With this, it marked the end of the Carnival of Venice. Even so, the partying mood of the people did not seem to be dampened at all. In fact, it was as if the fireworks had heightened it to a whole new level.

“I guess it’s time for me to go now.” Athrun thought. He was glad he came down to the Square of Angels, but would rather shun away from the wild crowd. He had seen what he had come to see. To him, it was mission accomplished. As he turned away, he lifted his eyes to what was in front of him. At that moment, he forgot how to breathe.

Cagalli looked up at the sky with her wide amber eyes, bedazzled by the images that were reflected onto them. It was as if someone had splashed the Milky Way with paint and brought it to Earth. Gold, silver, red, blue, green. She let every single colour touch and warm up her heart.

Cagalli was a bit disappointed when the fireworks had ended but made mental note to visit Italia again. The Carnival of Venice was enough reason to return. The party would go on for the whole night but it was enough for Cagalli. She turned, and saw something she never expected to see.

There they were, standing right in front of each other in Piazza de Angel, staring at each other in pure astonishment. Both of them thought their eyes were playing cruel tricks on them, to the point that it made their imaginations become part of reality.

“Athrun…” “Cagalli…” Both of them let out at the same time after a long pause.

At that very moment, both of them were very sure the person in front of them was not just a figment of their imaginations, but reality. The person they had been dreaming of the entire time was right there.

Those bright amber eyes and the beautiful blond hair that framed her face, it was her all right. Athrun could feel overwhelming happiness arise from the initial shock of seeing her. He had remembered how to breathe again and it was coming back to him in deep but rapid breaths. He never thought it was possible. He never thought he could make a miracle come true.

He had found her.

Cagalli couldn’t believe she was staring into those deep emerald eyes again. For two years, she had been avoided being found by anyone. But out of pure coincidence, they had met again, in the Square of Angels no less. The masculine scent she couldn’t forget began overflowing from her memory once more. Suddenly at that moment, she didn’t feel like going anywhere anymore. The ends of her pink lips curved up slowly as a smile crossed her face.

Athrun saw the smile he missed these two years. A smile crossed his features too. He knew what she was thinking and was thinking the exact same thing.

And if she returns in kind, I’ll know she’s mine…

Two years. For two whole years, they had been playing the game of hide and seek, running and chasing after each other. They had taken a big detour, a detour around the world. Losing and being separated from each other, only to find the person in their hearts once more in the Square of Angels. It was no coincidence, neither was it pure luck. It was fate, it was their destiny.

They were destined to be together.

He should have known. He should have known it from the beginning. Cagalli was the one destined for him. No matter how many times she leaves, she would come back to be with him in the end. No, he was never going to let her leave again. He, Athrun Zala, was never going to let her go again. She is his and is his alone, and will always be.

Athrun gave into his urge to hold Cagalli in his hands again and bounded towards her, only to meet her midway. Cagalli too, had finally realised it. They embraced each other tightly, giving into their pent-up emotions from two years of wasted time. A miracle was born between them. They had separated and found each other in the Square of Angels. It didn’t matter if the legend was true or false, to them, the magic had worked for them.

It was the magic called destiny.

I've finally posted a fic after some time. Goodness, this is the longest fic I have ever wrote! Took me some time, no, lots of time too...

gundam seed, gundam seed destiny, fanfics, destiny, 30_flowers, asucaga

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