
Dec 20, 2007 23:50

Title: Blossoms
Theme: #8 Silence
Pairing/Characters: Sanada Genichiro X Ryuuzaki Sakuno
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis or any of its characters


“Obaa-chan! Do I really have to go?” Sakuno whined.

“It’s a favour from an old friend Sakuno.” Ryuuzaki-sensei tried to persuade her granddaughter. “Now won’t you help Obaa-chan?”

“Obaa-chan…” Sakuno let out, her eyes downcast.

“I’ll take that as a yes Sakuno!” Ryuuzaki-sensei patted Sakuno on her back cheerfully.

Sakuno gave a sigh. She had too much respect and love for her granddaughter to let her down.

“I…I agree but Obaa-chan! It will just be a normal meeting ok?” Sakuno said.

“Anything is fine Sakuno! Just as long as you agree to go!” Ryuuzaki-sensei replied.

Sakuno inwardly heaved another heavy sigh. This has not been the first time she had been “invited” to the “meetings” planned by her grandmother and her old friends. All the time, the “meetings” were not as innocent and simple as they seemed. They were blind dates or marriage meetings arranged by the elders. Sakuno could not help but feel stunned and indignant when she found out the truth. However, there was no way she could reprimand her grandmother and she also could not bear to hurt her. Therefore, she went along with the entire thing. To date, most of her dates were nice and gentlemanly, but she didn’t take the relationship further with any of them. The special feeling just wasn’t present; the feeling she had when she haboured the schoolgirl crush on Ryoma. Those feelings of hers remain unrequited, especially because he returned to the US when he was 15. To Sakuno, Ryoma was her first love. Nothing may have come out of it, and she may not have been hurt, but all of it has become a beautiful memory for her. A beautiful memory depicting her junior high days.

Ryuuzaki-sensei had set Sakuno up with many people, even with her former students. She had set her up with Tezuka. A short romance blossomed, but after some time, the both of them decided they weren’t for each other and had an amicable break up. Ryuuzaki-sensei had even tried the former players from Yamabuki and St. Rudolph. Although Sakuno knew who they were, she still felt strange and embarrassed in front of them.

“I’m probably the youngest person in the world who has attended the most marriage meetings!” Sakuno thought.

“Oh Sakuno! You look beautiful!” Ryuuzaki-sensei commented as Sakuno came out from her room, dressed in a pink kimono decorated with cherry blossoms.

Sakuno stepped out of her room uneasily. She was still hoping the whole marriage meeting will be cancelled.

“Why do I have to wear a kimono today?” Sakuno asked.

“The man’s…I mean my friend’s family operate a dojo!” Ryuuzaki-sensei replied. “But kimonos really look better on young people!” she said, studying Sakuno from head-to-toe.

“Obaa-chan!” Sakuno blushed under her scrutiny.

“All right! It’s almost time Sakuno! Let’s go!” Ryuuzaki-sensei announced. “And don’t forget the snacks you made! They will surely like it!”

“Hai.” Sakuno answered and gave another sigh when Ryuuzaki-sensei was not looking. Oh boy, she really looked forward to yet another marriage meeting.

“Here we are Sakuno!” Ryuuzaki-sensei announced upon the arrival of their destination.

Sakuno stared in awe at the traditional Japanese house in front of her. Her grandmother had mentioned that the other party operates a dojo, and dojos were usually huge, but she had never imagined it would be this huge!

As Sakuno was still gaping at the massiveness of the house, an elderly woman, dressed in a plain, pale purple kimono came out.

“Ryuuzaki-sama? Our master is expecting you. Please come in.”

Ryuuzaki-sensei nodded at her, and then shot a glance in Sakuno’s direction. “Sakuno! Come on!” she called out.

“A…are? Ah! Hai!” Sakuno answered and ran clumsily to her grandmother.

They were led to what seemed to be the main quarters. As they walked along, Sakuno could not help but marvel at the beautiful traditional Japanese garden. The surroundings gave her a very nostalgic feel. The floors were all made of wood and the rooms were also in traditional Japanese style. As they entered the room, an old man, an old woman and a young man were already seated in the room. Upon their arrival, they immediately stood up.

“Sumire-san! It is nice to see you again!” The old man said as he reached out his hand.

“It’s nice to see you too! Junichiro-san!” Ryuuzaki-sensei shook his hand.

“It’s been a long time Sumire.” The old woman nodded to her.

“It has really been a long time Katsura!” Ryuuzaki sensei replied. “How are you doing?”

“I’m doing very well! All thanks to you!” Katsura replied. “Oh my! How rude can we get! Take a seat please!”

“Thank you!” Ryuuzaki-sensei replied and gestured for Sakuno to follow her in taking a seat. Sakuno blushed and sat down uneasily, her head bowed down.

“And this must be your granddaughter?” Katsura inquired, studying the petite girl. “My! What a pretty little thing!”

Sakuno blushed at the comment and bowed her head even lower, her unseen hands fidgeting nervously.

“Yes she is!” Ryuuzaki-sensei said. “Sakuno! Come and greet your elders!”

Sakuno moved forward shyly. “Ju…Junichiro-ojii-sama, Katsura-obaa-sama, first time meeting you! I…I am Ryu…Ryuuzaki Sakuno! It’s nice to meet you!” she stammered.

The two elders nodded and smiled in agreement. Junichiro then gestured to the young man sitting respectfully at the side.

“Genichiro! Come over and greet your elder!” Junichiro said.

The well-built young man moved forward with his head bowed respectfully. “I’m Sanada Genichiro. Ryuuzaki-sensei, Ryuuzaki-san, it is nice meeting you again.”

The bashful Sakuno had been stealing glances towards her blind date, trying to see how he looked like. However, slow as she was, her chocolate-brown eyes widened upon hearing his name.

“Sa…Sanada Genichiro?” Sakuno thought. “The captain of the Rikkai tennis team? The one who was evenly matched with both Ryoma-kun and Tezuka-san?” She had not recognised him as he was not wearing a cap as he usually did during tennis. Also, he had a more mature look, which was natural for he was already an adult male at the age of 24. Sakuno on the other hand, could still pass off as a high school student even though she had already graduated from the university.

“Sa…Sanada-san!?” Sakuno burst out. Her sudden outburst took the elders by surprise. Most importantly even Sanada was surprised. Those usually serious eyes of his were laden with astonishment.

Sakuno suddenly realised what she had done and shrunk back into that shell of hers.

“Go…gomen nasai! Gomen nasai!” she apologised profusely, face dyed red with embarrassment.

The elders laughed while Sanada kept a straight face.

“I guess you haven’t really told her Sumire!” Junichiro laughed.

“Sakuno no baka! Sakuno no baka!” Sakuno scolded herself mentally. “I should already have noticed this was the Sanada household when I was outside the house!” She could do nothing but blame herself for being the little klutz she was. She had been too preoccupied with the size of the house that she even forgot to see whose house she was entering!

“I guess we should let the youngsters get along by themselves ne?” Katsura laughed. “We old people get along better with each other!”

Sakuno fidgeted uneasily in her seat. She was currently alone with Sanada, and an awkward silence hung in the air. Truth be told, she had always felt intimidated by the former Rikkai captain. The stoic Tezuka also made her feel intimidated in the beginning, but after getting to know him better, that feeling had worn off. He was actually a very kind and gentle man, but unfortunately, their relationship could progress no further than friends. Sanada was a different case. The intimidation factor was far worse than that of Tezuka’s. Plus, it was not helping that she did not know him personally and other people’s testimonials of him always portrayed him as the strict and overbearing captain.

“Ryuuzaki-san.” Sanada broke the silence.

“Ha…hai!” Sakuno nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Sanada address her.

“Do you play tennis too?” Sanada asked.

“Eh? Eto…yes I play tennis…” Sakuno answered nervously. “But I don’t play very well…”

“I see…” Sanada commented. “Then, do you want me to teach you some time?”

“E…Eh?” Sakuno let out, raising her head to look at him. As their eyes made contact, she quickly turned away shyly, blushing. “If…if…you have the time…” she tried to be polite.

Sanada stared at the blushing girl. She was bashful and shy, the total opposite of him. He wondered if he had caused her to act that way. He had always been reprimanded by his elders about the way he treated girls. They advised him not to treat them the way he treated his team members. Although he is very famous for his superb tennis skills, his relationships with the opposite sex fared very, very poorly, thus leading to the marriage meetings. He didn’t mind them, but was puzzled on why none of them progressed any further. Probably because the “feeling” wasn’t there? He didn’t know how she felt about him, but thought that she was rather cute.

“Do you want me to show you around the compound?” Sanada offered.

“Huh? Ano…eto…” Sakuno paused to think for a while. In normal circumstances, she would have just replied it was ok and there was no need to bother the person. In this case however, their conversation was going nowhere and she really wanted to look around.

“Ha…hai!” she answered.

Sanada shot Sakuno something which could be considered a smile which really surprised the girl. “I’ll lead the way.”

Sanada brought Sakuno on a tour around the house, from the dojos to the Japanese gardens. He even showed her a beautiful sakura tree in the backyard. Sakuno marvelled at the splendour and wished that she could live there for once. The traditional Japanese garden the Sanadas upkeep was another wonder that caught her eye. The carefully pruned bonsai, bamboo in shades of brown and green, the little flowers growing here and there, and the koi in the koi pond, she loved them all. She laughed happily as she saw the butterflies and the dragonflies, totally forgetting her uneasiness earlier. Sanada was rather amused with the smiling girl. One moment she was all fidgety, and the other she was laughing away.

“The koi are beautiful!” Sakuno commented.

“I gave them nicknames when I was a child.” Sanada said.

“You did?” Sakuno let out in genuine surprise.

“Yes I did.” Sanada affirmed.

Sakuno gave a little giggle. “I never thought you were like that Sanada-san. My impression of you is always serious and solemn. But you are actually really kind aren’t you?” she gave him a smile, a smile which sent his heart fluttering.

Sanada did not know what to say, but knew a blush was going to form on his cheeks. He turned away from Sakuno as a reflex motion.

“Genichiro! Sakuno-chan!” Katsura called out.

“Ah! Hai!” Sakuno let out.

“Let’s go.” Sanada said to Sakuno with his back turned towards her.

“Hai!” Sakuno agreed cheerfully and trailed behind the tall male. Sanada was glad that he was tall; this way, she could not see or even hear him heaving a sigh of relief. The high and mighty Sanada Genichiro heaving a sigh of relief because of a girl.

“You must come again Sumire!” Katsura told Sumire as they prepared to leave.

“Of course I will Katsura!” Ryuuzaki-sensei replied.

“Sayonara, Junichiro-ojii-sama, Katsura-obaa-sama.” Sakuno bowed courteously then turned towards Sanada. “Sayonara Sanada-san.”

Sanada bowed in response. He noticed the elders were having a last quick chat over their next meeting.

“So I guess I’ll be seeing you again?” he asked Sakuno.

Sakuno glanced up at him with those innocent brown eyes. “Hai.” She smiled.

Sakuno got into the car with her grandmother. As it started up, she waved goodbye to the Sanada’s, a sweet smile plastered on her face. She only retreated into the car once they were out of sight.

“So, what do you think of Sanada?” Ryuuzaki-sensei asked.

“Eh? Sanada-san? He is rather nice, quite different from how I thought he would be.” Sakuno answered. “I’m still a bit scared by him but I know he is a good person!”

“So the marriage meeting worked this time eh?” Ryuuzaki-sensei teased.

“Eh? Mou! Obaa-chan!” Sakuno blushed as her grandmother laughed at her.

“What do you think of Sakuno-chan, Genichiro?” Junichiro asked.

“She is a good girl.” Sanada answered simply.

The elders exchanged knowing glances. For all they know, a romance might be on the way.

sakura matsuri, fanfics, ryuuzaki sakuno, 15pairings, prince of tennis

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