Feelings In The Rain

Sep 29, 2007 22:38

Happy birthday Shishido! 誕生日おめでとう!!!

I actually was able to come up with a birthday fic for Shishido. Trust me, it wasn't easy. I started this some time ago and added a few words or lines every other night. I tried my best to squeeze it out by today. Considering the fact that I have a test on Monday and an exam on Tuesday, I congratulate myself on getting this fic out!

I'm still on hiatus. But I just had to write this for Shishido-san~ I want to write one for Tezuka, but considering the schedule for next week, it is impossible...

This fic was written for LJ community 5trueloves, but since there seems to be some delay in processing my claim as well as completed claim, I'll just have to delay my post there too. I hope that they will clear things up asap as I have been waiting for some time already...

All other fics will have to wait till after the exams. I'm already seriously lagging behind in some subjects!

Anyway, happy birthday Shishido-san!!! :) And to Kurobane Harukaze too! 誕生日おめでとう!!!

Title: Feelings In The Rain
Theme: #9 Showers
Pairing/Characters: Shishido Ryou X ???
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis or any of its characters

Feelings In The Rain

Shishido vowed to get her back, no matter what it took. He hated the idea of other boys getting near to her with obvious intentions which she didn’t seem to notice. He was all fired up, especially seeing Kisarazu Atsushi make his moves on her.

Shishido had received some pointers from Ohtori and his brothers about what girls like. At first he was a bit sceptical. She was different from the usual high school girls, and he knew it by heart. However, Ohtori has successfully convinced him that no matter how tough her exterior was and how manly she tried to portray herself as, within her lies a normal girl. A girl with all her fantasies of love. A girl wanting to be doted on and loved by the one in her heart. A girl who just wanted to be a normal girl at times.

The memories they shared together poured into the mind of the young man. Shishido remembered the awkward moments before they had gotten together. Her blushing face, her shy smile, her shining eyes, all of those brought a smile to his boyish lips. Their first kiss was a fond memory for him. He walked passed that place often just to relive that sweet moment. His smile soon faded as her saddened face floated into his view. The day he proposed the break up was probably one of his biggest mistakes. He craved to have her smile for him and only him again. He knew he would regret it if he did not try to get her back.

Shishido didn’t know what romance was; neither did he know how to treat a girl. Ohtori taught him a very important word: sincerity. He could move her heart with sincerity. And that was exactly what he planned to do.

Shishido waited outside her house, his back leaned casually against a wall. He had been doing this whenever there was no morning practice. At that moment, she opened the gate, walking out of her house.

“Hey!” Shishido greeted, lifting his back off the wall. He gave her that charming boyish smile which melted the hearts of many girls in Hyotei as well as outside.

“Hey.” She returned his greeting and proceeded to head to school. Shishido followed beside her.

On the way to school, the couple talked about many things. School, the latest tennis news and of course, tennis. She smiled at him, but he noticed that the smile wasn’t the one she gave him when they were still together. A little wave of desperation hit him but he quickly shook it off. As they were walking together, he could hear many muffled sounds as well as feel the stares and fingers directed towards them. He knew Hyotei was filled of rumours of them getting back together again and stuff like that. Shishido did not really care, because that was exactly what he wanted. He just hoped all the attention on them would not spoil his chances of making up with her.

Shishido also grabbed every chance he could to walk her back home. It proved to be a fairly ambitious task, as tennis practice constituted almost all of his time for extracurricular activities. He wasn’t one who would skip practice, and skipping practice in Hyotei would mean automatically giving up your regular position. Besides, he was sure she would not want him to skip tennis practice too. He knew her well, too well in fact. That was probably one of the reasons he initiated the break up.

“You want to meet up for tennis practice some day?” Shishido asked while walking her back home. “Like this weekend?”

She stopped halfway in her tracks. Shishido was unable to stop in time and moved forward a few steps before turning back to look at her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Shishido-san.” She let out breathlessly, her eyes downcast. “Why are you doing this?”

“What?” Shishido stared at her, his eyes opened wide.

“Why are you doing this?” She repeated herself. “We have already broken up! Why are you…” she paused. “doing all this…again?”

“Why?” She gave Shishido no chance to answer. Her eyes met his, filled with pain and hurt. A pregnant and uncomfortable silence hung between the couple. Shishido did not know what to say, especially when he noticed that she was trying the control her tears again. He hated seeing that expression of hers, and the worst thing was that he was the cause of it all.

“I think we should stop this.” She said looking away. Silence hung between them once again. She broke it with the sounds of her footsteps, turning away walking away from him.

“Wait!” Shishido let out hurriedly as he grabbed her wrist before she was too distant from him.

“I know I was wrong. I know I shouldn’t have said that.” Shishido confessed. “Will you please give me another chance?”

She didn’t answer. She just stood there, not saying a word. She was stunned by Shishido’s sudden confession. Her eyes opened wide, expressing her surprise fully.

“Will you please…come back to me?” Shishido pleaded, still not letting go of her.

She did not answer him, but just stood there limply. Finally, she opened her quivering lips.

“Then you shouldn’t have said that in the first place!” With that, she broke away from Shishido’s grip and ran away. As she ran, he noticed little beads falling from her eyes. He immediately knew what they were.

They were the tears which came too late.

Without a second thought, Shishido ran after her.

Shishido caught up to her easily. However, as soon as he caught up to her, she pushed him away and continued to run. Running, chasing. Running, chasing. Both of them were mindless to the happenings around them. They were just running away from the scars of their hearts and chasing after what they lost.

The skies darkened, courtesy of the white cumulonimbus clouds which had turned an ominous shade of grey. The earth throttled as thunder, which followed blinding flashes of lightning, sounded. By now, Shishido had chased her all the way to the gate of her house.

“Let me go!” She screamed as her voice drowned in her tears and the thunder.

“Please, please listen to me!” Shishido pleaded.

She stopped her struggling. Shishido, sensing this, loosened his grip on her.

“Do you know…how painful it was for me?”

Shishido felt a pang of guilt strike his heart. Her tears fell like a running tap, and every single drop was like salt rubbing against his wounds. He raised his hand with the thought of wiping her tears away.

“Do you know how much it hurt? Do you know how difficult it was for me?” her words picked up speed. “And now you are telling me you want me go back to you?” she glared at Shishido with her tear-drenched eyes.

“You’re too selfish, Shishido Ryou!” With that, she opened the gates and ran into her house, the door closing behind her.

Shishido could only watch as the events unfolded in front of him. He felt totally helpless and dejected. For the first time, he hated himself. He hated himself for making the girl he treasures most cry like that. His eyes travelled to the second floor of her house where her room was. The light was on, indicating her presence in the room.

“I’m sorry!” Shishido shouted. “I know I shouldn’t have done that! I’m an idiot for hurting you!” he paused, hoping too see her face at her window.

“I’ll stay here until you forgive me! I won’t leave until you accept me again!” Shishido said when she did not respond.

Therefore, Shishido stood there, outside her house, waiting for her too forgive him and hopefully become his again. Little by little, the rain clouds had begun to gather. Due to the forewarning given, people were rushing home, not wanting to be caught in the imminent showers. Housewives quickly removed their laundry from the unsheltered areas to prevent their hard work from being poured down the drain. Soon, the showers of autumn descended from above and landed on the life below them.

Shishido stood at that spot as he glanced up at the sky. Even the heavens did not forgive him. The rains poured down mercilessly on him. In just a matter of seconds, he was drenched from head to toe. Even so, he still stood there, hoping to regain what he had lost.

Shisido ran a hand across his wet hair. He remembered her saying she liked his short hair. In turn, she kept her hair long for him. True to her word, her hair was now just below her shoulder. All the times they had spent together, they were all fresh in his mind. He knew he still loved her. He had loved her all this while.

She glanced out of her window. It had been raining non-stop for almost two hours. She was worried. She had peeked out of her window ten minutes after she had left Shishido, only to find him standing there in the rain. However, the hurt which resided within her failed to diminish and therefore she stubbornly tried to erase any hints of his presence in her mind. As the rain fell, the pain was soon washed away by an increasing worry. She was afraid Shishido was still standing there in the rain. Unable to overcome the worry and curiosity, she went to her window and looked outside. And there she saw him, standing alone in the rain. Some of his hair was swept back while others plastered to his face, just like his uniform to his body. There was not one dry spot on him. Seeing this, her heart softened. He was true to his words.

“I’ll stay here until you forgive me! I won’t leave until you accept me again!”

At that very moment, Shishido looked up and saw her saddened face. A sudden glimmer of light emerged from his eyes. He opened his mouth to day something, but before he could say anything, she had disappeared from his view again.

The light which had appeared in his eyes was extinguished just as soon as it had appeared. Before he had time to mourn his lost chance, the front door was flung open and out she ran with an umbrella.

“What were you trying to do!” She screamed at Shishido, while trying to get the umbrella open. She was also getting drenched by the rain.

Shishido grabbed her wrist, stopping her from opening her umbrella. This was perhaps his last chance, and he was not going to let it just slip away from his hands.

“Would you please forgive me?” Shishido asked the question again, his eyes looking straight at hers. His eyes were true with no deceit laced in them.

“What…what are you saying?” She tried to avoid his question. “Get into the house now before you get sick!”

“I don’t care if I get sick.” Shishido said. “I don’t care about myself anymore. I only care about you.”

As if struck by his words, she stood there idly, her eyes not leaving his. The rain and the feeling of his wet skin against hers began to wash away the scars. It was like a magical potion which healed a broken heart then and there.

“That’s why you stood here for so long?” Her voice quivered. Shishido knew her resolve was breaking and giving him a chance to enter her world again.

“Because it’s for you.” The ends of his boyish lips were raised to reveal a smile.

“You idiot!” she said, a smile playing on her pink lips.

“I never admitted that I wasn’t one!” Shishido said as he relished the smile on her face. In a singular action, he pulled her into his embrace, not caring that the both of them had not one patch of dry skin left. She hugged him back, dropping the half-opened umbrella. It fell to the ground, forgotten. It now had no use anyway. Its role was just a catalyst for the rain to link two hearts as distant as heaven and earth together again.

Shishido tossed a piece of used tissue paper into a bin with perfect accuracy. He reached out for another piece of tissue and blew his nose into it. It was then deposited into the half-full bin of used tissue.

“So how are you feeling?” he spoke through the phone in a nasal voice.

“It’s all your fault!” An equally nasal voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

A sniff punctuated Shishido’s laugh. “I’m sorry, but I have no regrets getting sick!”

A light but happy conversation built up between the boy and the girl. Hearts, once broken, were pieced together again. Nothing made them treasure this relationship more, especially after the arduous journey of finding, losing, and then finding each other again.

birthday, 5trueloves, fanfics, my love story, shishido ryou, prince of tennis

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