
Jun 29, 2009 22:25

Ok, I have been procrastinating again. Haven't updated as much as I would have liked to.

There are things to blog about, like MJ's death. However, I blogged about it on another blog of mine, leaving this blog to gather dust... Therefore I felt that I should at least post something here, whatever it is.

Since I started this blog mainly due to anime and fanfics, I should blog about them once in a while right? So here goes!

I haven't been writing fanfics in a while. I really want to but I am being bogged down by my project that I think that I am making no progress, although the date for submission is near. Somebody just kill me. Most of the time, I am dreaming out the stories in my mind and playing them out. If only what goes on in my mind could be put into words! And I am actually contemplating if I should try to write smut. Should I? It will definitely be a new challenge though.

Prince of Tennis has finished its run and there is a new Prince of Tennis manga! Actually I am pretty disappointed to see it continue where it left off in the first series. I thought Konomi-sensei would have a manga totally focusing on Ryoma as a pro player. Well...I'm not complaining about some more PoT though....

I am so into Gintama now. Why? Because it fits into the genre that I like! Comedy and light-heartedness with some action here and there. And did I mention the parodies? Lol! Oh yes, I will blog about Gintama someday.

gintama, random

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