I Can't Think of a Title...

Oct 22, 2012 21:37

Well, so there's so much going on, I think I'm starting to lose track.

I found a story idea I'd written down late last year, based off of a dream, and usually I can remember such things, but this one eludes me. At least I wrote it down. But I'm finding it hard to connect to the idea visually in my head because I don't really remember the dream. But it's got a lot of WWII influences, so it should be right up my alley, right?

My writing has stalled again. We're still having our bi-weekly writing/slash club, but I don't write anything inbetween. I've been so focused on my Halloween party that I think I'm just too exhausted otherwise. I think I'll try and write this week, though. I've gotten some good feedback from some people on the latest chapter of "The Bet", just waiting on one more person *cough*icyaurora8*cough* :) I just don't want to pick at it too much before I get everything back. lol. I don't know where my writing bug went, though. We did a little word war in the last get together, and I wrote about 300 words of D&J mafia fic. lol. I keep thinking about that idea, and I want to write it, but damn, I don't want to get too caught up with something else and never get back to "The Bet". On the otherhand, it may help spur my muse again. I was doing so well there, until other things popped up. lol.

The house is clean, though, so that gives me a sense of accomplishment, and I feel better about just sitting on the comp instead of doing something else. Still a few things to do before my Halloween party - playlist, a couple of food items, a few food signs - but for the most part, all the prep is done. And goddammit, people better come to this thing and have a good fucking time, or, well, shod on them. :P I mean, I'm sure it's going to be pretty awesome. I can feel it. I like the people who've said they're coming, and though I know it's on a Saturday, and everyone's freaking throwing their party that day, I hope the majority of them stays at mine. Because it's AWESOME. lol. My friend from work, Melody, I think has made it her mission to make sure everyone we like at work is coming. lol. Bless her, she's awesome. :D Only awesome people at my party allowed, afterall! :P

Anyhow, I would like to get some more party stuff done tonight and tomorrow, but my roommate is using my comp (not that I can't kick him off) but since it's one of his only nights off this week where he's not busy, I might let him stay up there to play TOR and I'll get some writing done, or see if I can't work on the playlist stuff on my laptop. :)

I leave you all with a picture of some of the outside decorations for our Halloween party!

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