My torso. My entire torso, mostly the insides. My diaphram, my lungs, my back, my stomach...ack. I was sick, so sick, most of Saturday night, and all day Sunday. I thought it was just a head cold, but then it turned into a sleep/throw up-a-thon. ~_~ That's why I'm so sore. lol.
Also, I had to miss work on Sunday because of it, which is just great, since it's a new job, but I also worked today, at an even newer job, and it was my first day, so now I'm just exhuasted. Thankfully, I was feeling a lot better this morning, so it wasn't that big of a thing to go in, and I should get enough rest tonight that I'll be even more on top of my game for tomorrow!
But anyway, back to the getting another new job!
Here’s a rundown of my last Thursday:
I woke up, made coffee, ate some eggs and toast. Watched most of an episode of “Off the Map”. Got ready to go to my interview at Barnes & Noble, and then work. Texted Dan to ask when I could get the rent from him. I went to my interview, and it started off pretty well, but I could tell it was just falling flat by the end. I don’t really know why. I probably also shouldn’t have mentioned when she asked why I had applied at that location and not the one I originally worked at that they never called me for an interview. That probably came across in the wrong way.
After I got out of my interview, I saw that I had a missed call from Janel, the café manager at PSC, whom I had interviewed with the same day I interviewed at the cupcake place. We’ve been playing phone tag all week, basically. Lol. So I called her back, and left another message, this time about my availability change, and headed to meet up with Dan to get rent and have some lunch. On my way to meet with Dan, I stopped by The Yellow Leaf to make sure it’d be okay if I came in after lunch and staked out a spot until my shift. Turns out there was a bit of a scheduling snafu because of the other girl they hired at the same time as me, so they said they didn’t need me today, but if I could come in two hours early tomorrow, that’d be great.
As Dan and I are leaving CJ’s I see I have a text from Alex saying Janel called her and to call her for details. I do, as Dan and I are walking towards PSC, so he can say hi to Clair, I can get her address, then go home. While Alex is describing why Janel called, Janel called again, so I quickly said goodbye to Alex and talked to Janel. Janel said she was fine with me working Monday and Tuesday (and possibly Wednesday), that she really wanted me. Lol. I told her I just happened to be on my way to the Science Center right then, and did she want me to come by? So I did, filled out paperwork, and got a vest ordered, and my own ID card! :D So - I have two jobs, nearby each other and they both pay fairly well! Both of my bosses are pretty awesome, too. Very personable and fun to work with and talk to. I went down to the IMAX theater to say hi to Clair, Mell and Coran, and show them my shiny new badge. I’m pretty glad I’m not working directly with my roommates, though, let me tell you. Lol. No offense to them, but it’d probably be a terrible idea in the long run.
And so today was that first day! Man, my life is just going insane. lol. And my first day off isn't until Saturday. Which isn't a big deal, really, but I was hoping to have more time to do things like go through all of my crap before we move. Which I'm hoping I still will, once I get a little more used to this working all the tieme again thing. lol. And today was BUSY. OMG. It's still spring break for a few weeks for various schools and whatnot, so there's tons of people and kids on top of people there for the Star Wars exhibit. Pretty busy for a Monday!
I also started the three-month Get Shit Done challenge over at
getshitdone. I completed the first week, and so here's my banner!
Anyhow, I should go. I just calorie-loaded with some Taco Bell (yeah, yeah, I know), since I ate nothing yesterday, and "Tru Calling" is calling my attention away from the computer.
I hope you're all doing well!