(no subject)

May 24, 2006 00:33

es gibt da ein kleines problem mit nem fisch der aus schlechter haltung befreit wurde:

Es ist ein ungefähr ein jahr alter beta (kampffisch, männchen) der ein paar schwere gesundheitsprobleme hat (alles auf english, ich kanns übersetzen wenns sein muss)

okay. he's really dark in color, he's lightened up now that he's got fresh water and actual light, but his head is still very very dark.
\C/:aitlin | you had better be free may 28th! (making reservations this week) says:
he breathes heavily, jumps at the slightest...anything, sometimes out of the water
everytime he tries to swim he is pulled backwards and can't stay upright, he falls to his side, so he has to lean against the corner of the tank or in his fake plant.
Okay - and a rundown of his history? (copy-pasting this to Von)
\C/:aitlin | you had better be free may 28th! (making reservations this week) says:
he's probably around a year old, and he was neglected like crazy by the jerks down the street
\C/:aitlin | you had better be free may 28th! (making reservations this week) says:
when I saw him last ( a few weeks ago) he was living in sludgy water that hadn't been changed in months and months and months
\C/:aitlin | you had better be free may 28th! (making reservations this week) says:
there was film on the top, and the tank was just plain dirty, and he was in the corner (top) of his tank then as well.
oh, and jill says that morgan admitted to not feeding him for days or weeks at a time and then she saw her just plop a whole bunch of food in because of missing out on feeding him before.
feeding freeze dried red grubs - Nutrafin Basex.
no filtration system at all
eyes protrude a little

der fisch ist sehr klein, so als ob er jung wäre, ist er aber nicht, ausserdem ist da nichts mit seinen schuppen das man auf dem ersten blick erkennen könnte.

was könnte das sein? und was könnte man tun (ausser einschläfern). Der fisch wurde bereits in einen neuen sauberen adäquaten aquarium untergebracht, es ist einfach nur, was der fisch haben könnte.

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