As someone who works at Certain Prestigious College...

Feb 22, 2009 14:24

I am a firm believer in the principle that is you misspell the name of Certain Prestigious College (especially in a way that would absolutely be caught by spellcheck) ON YOUR APPLICATION, you should not be applying. D:

I dunno, am I being to harsh by believing that by the time you're going to apply to college, you should not only know how to use a spellcheck, but also just presume it's a good idea to know the name of the school to which you're applying?

PS: If you're addressing letters to specific people in the department, I'm going to assume that A) You knew their name somehow, and B) you know that they work at Certain Prestigious College. So, perhaps I'm being too easily irritated as someone who's had their name misspelled their entire life, but seriously dude, we have CertainPrestigiousCollegeWho for this! Look up their damn name if you don't know how to spell it! D:<

PPS: To the school who thought it would be a fantastic idea to tape the transcripts to the inside of the envelopes? Dick move.

work, i don't hate this job just the people

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