Now here’s the part where I get to talk about all the stuff that happened on Halloween.
So first of all I posted
part two of my yullen Halloween special, Trick or Treat. I hope everyone enjoyed it.
My Saturday started off like any other, with kendo practice. Hao-sensei is a 7th Dan and though he appears to be in his late forties he’s damn agile. He had a special Halloween practice for us beginners which consisted of us sparring with him. He was in full gear and we weren’t.
When I’m nervous I tend to smile and what do you know, I was smiling like a nervous idiot through the whole thing, and even laughing and apologizing for who knows what reason. You know how in anime when a match is about to begin or something and you see a glowing aura surrounding the person, well I finally understand the concept. Hao-sensei just emanates power, if that makes any sense and without even thinking all I found myself doing was defending.
After a few moments of him telling me not to defend and to attack and him telling me where to attack, men, do and kote, I kind of got accustomed to attempting to attack. He even let me hit him a couple times as part of practice. He’s a really great guy, easy going, not like some of the seniors who are rather strict about things and will tell you you’re doing something wrong and occasionally what you have to do to make it better, but won’t take the time to show you how to do it properly.
I am looking forward to the next time I can spar, it really got my blood pumping and though I lost miserably, I feel really honored to have been able to spar with sensei - or at all even, since I’ve been in kendo for just under two months.
After Kendo I went home to kill a couple hours, which I should have been doing homework in, watched a few episodes of Ghost Hunt with my dad and then got ready for a night of scaring.
My dad dropped me off at the JCCC, it only took us fifteen minutes to get there via the highway. How it took so long to get there the other day I don’t really know. I went to the room we set up the day before and the members who were already there were putting on the finishing touches and stuff. My “costume” was just me in my kendo uniform with my hair down and all over my face - creepy. We also had one of the other girls in a white kimono and cheese cloth over her face and long straight black hair. My favorite was the shadow behind the “blood” stained shoji screen, though it wasn’t scary.
For the first hundred people or so I was slouched against a wall like a doll, my hair covering my face and my arms behind my back in my sleeves and when people walked by, some noticed me and asked their companion if I was real and i would scream in response and they would either stare blankly at me or jump and scurry into the next room while laughing at being frightened over something as simple as a startle scare. I got kind of tired sitting around on the floor so for the last half of the night I was sitting behind a wall on a table and I would jump out and scream whenever someone was about to enter the room. It took a few tries to get the timing down but it was more effective.
Near the end of the night some strange people came in, and when I went to scare them I got hugged…yeah…weird. Needless to say I was a bit perturbed by this unwanted contact and became wary of people. Apparently the other girl in the kimono was also hugged - several times to her dismay. Besides the hugging incident one guy was muttering about how he didn’t wan tot be touched and then I screamed at him, he jumped then he stared at me and asked if he could poke me…I swear my mind went blank for a second from trying to comprehend what the hell was going through his mind. And naturally my response was, “do it and you loose a finger.” His eyes kind of widened in shock at my response and he hurried off into the hall.
Besides the haunted house, the doujin market was rather disappointing only five tables and then One Million Comix had a few tables with some of the new anime releases. In any case I bought a KHR doujinshi, it was a collaboration of several artists’ work. I really only fancied the first story, because the style was amazing but the others are quite amusing as well. I also bought a print TenGaiOu by Maji/Mary Huang. It was just to pretty for me to pass up. I love watercolor as a medium for art. You can see the piece on her website
humanGray, it’s in the art section (obviously).
That was my Halloween. When I got home it was past eleven and I was just dead, sore muscles from kendo and sore throat from screaming too much *laughs* so I crashed after a shower and got up the next morning with the sniffles because I fell asleep with wet hair.
Sunday consisted of homework and chores. There was a very lazy almost lethargic atmosphere around me all day and I didn’t want to do anything but sleep. Somehow I managed to last the day with minimal consequence, save for not finishing my lab report which is due today (Tuesday).
Now that I’ve recounted my Halloween I’ll move onto the last post I’m going to write before getting some sleep.