Jan 17, 2011 10:24

Yeah I'm still alive, kinda.

Short note on why I've been practically dead both here and on fanfiction: My fall term was ridiculously crazy and I had exams until the 23rd of Dec. After that I was near immediately dragged down to Florida for Christmas by my aunt's where there was no rest and no time for me to use the computer. If that wasn't enough, when I got back I had an email in my inbox with a noveling contest hosted by amazon and creatspace. Entry is free,  which was a real motivating point, but I only had short stories and poems, no 50-150k manuscript to polish and submit. So the obvious course of action was to spend the next twelve days writing a novel (final word count 57,556).

So I'm just about half dead now, and the entry period opens on Jan.24 and they're only accepting the first 5k entries in each category (general fiction and YA fiction). Thus my dilemma. I'm in desperate need of an editor, or even just feedback about the overall strength of the story. So if anyone is interested in helping me out, message me and I'll send you an email with the .doc file.

There are three rounds to the judging.
1st Round: The Pitch (click on link to view and leave feedback)

2nd Round: The Excerpt (the first 3-5k of the novel. Click on the link to view and leave feedback)

3rd Round: The Manuscript (50-150k)
Ask and I'll send it to you.

The judging criteria for the second and third rounds are as follows:
a) Plot
b) Character Development
c) Originality of Idea
d) Writing Style, Prose
e) Overall Strength of Submission (wrt a-d above)

I'm not really confident, since I feel a bit watered down from staring at the words nonstop for the past twelve days. I'd really appreciate any and all help I can get!

A note on my fanfiction. I'll be back to the Yullen niche I'm so comfortable with, as soon as I submit my novel on the 24th.

feedback wanted, contest entry

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