Mar 10, 2010 21:38
I went to see Alice in Wonderland today, my mom decided to treat me after much coercion on my part - then again she did owe me for working on my birthday. Even if I don’t take my birthday very seriously it is a way to get one up on my parents for occasions such as this.
I was a bit worried at first that it was going to turn out as another crappy rendition like all the others I’ve seen in the past but decided to give it a chance being that Tim Burton was the director and I’ve enjoyed many of his films in the past. I have to say that he did a decent job. I’m not going to give anything away that could spoil the movie for anyone - at least not in this entry. But I do think, after some more reflection, that despite the enjoyment I had while watching the movie it didn’t leave much of the after-movie elation that I get from watching really stimulating films. If you’re interested in my opinion, my next LJ entry will be a critique of the film (probably up sometime tomorrow evening).
On another note, I had my last bio lab for the term yesterday! I’ve been filled with this positively elated feeling ;) I still haven’t come up with an idea for my essay though, so that’s a bit disheartening. I have to put forth a proposal next week so I have to do a lot of research this weekend. I like having the freedom to choose my own topic, but because of my indecisiveness it’s usually better to get assigned a topic for essays.
We received only two stipulations to which the essay had to conform: it had to be about China and/or Japan, and it had to be during the time period from 1600 to the early 1800s. I did have a couple ideas that I wanted to pursue but I doubt their viable options due to the lack of primary resources during the Edo period.
One last thing before I head off to do my assigned readings for tomorrow, I’ll probably be posting the third chapter of Withering to Death sometime over the weekend - an early update to apologize for my scarce postings as of late.
Well that’s all for now :)