Jan 05, 2011 23:31
Диер френдс! Лет ми спик бай май харт. Ин инглиш - цэ)))
English makes his black business! We studied new tongue-twister: Piter Pipper picked a pack of pickled pepper. It's much harder than the last one.
But I hope that after that my pronunciation will be better than Vitaliy's Mutko))) Here is remix of this speech. It is boring for watching but for listening it's perfect)))
So, the hardest thing for me is home task. Only one problem - toooo muuuuuch!
And part of my homework I'll do here. So, my profile. My name is Lilia Akhmetzyanova. I live in Vorkuta, and I work for governmental rehabilitation center. It is the largest rehabilitation center in Komi republic and it is unique because it combines 4 kinds of rehabilitation: medical, social, pedagogical and psychological. I am the head of center, and I'm responsible for finance, creating new services for clients, finding new sources of revenues.
I'm always very busy and I don't have much free time, but when I do it, I like play basketball and to chat in internet.
I want to study english cause I want to go to abroad training. I am going to communicate in English with foreign partners, volunteers and my boy-friend actually)) I want to practice most in listening and speaking. During my session time I can spend all my time for studying english. I have a lot of books here and skype and facebook to speak my foreign friends. Also I have CD, book with fairy-tales but I don't have time for it unfortunately.
Usually I get up at 7 a.m. It's makes me 15 minutes to arrive to work. Very often I go on foot cause I live close. Sometimes driver takes me from home or from mornings meetings in the head-office. I leaves office usually at 5 if I don't have some extra work. Actually I have unlimited regime, and my contracts gives me possibility to have additional days for holidays because of that. I often work at weekend and home because I want to find more sources for center as volunteers, sponsors help and my dream is to win grant and to make inter cultural project.
Кстати, группа у нас очень веселая. Сегодня слово commuters (жители пригорода) перевели как гастарбайтеры и замкадыши))) О, великий и могучий русский язык!)))