Dec 31, 2004 01:14
crAzyness that is crazy
morning: mom kicked me out of the house. deadly serious made me pack my bags and threw the address for coventant house at me. i went to jenns.
noon: mom calls screaming at me telling me if i dont get home she'll kill me. confusion- a few hours ago wasnt she screaming leave or she'll kill me?
afternoon: i get home. but shes not there and she took my keys. i wait outside for 3 hours.
evening: she gets home. says NOTHING to me, goes it bed.
mmk. crazy indeed. i gotta get another job and move the fuck out before she kills me or i kill myself.
thanks jenn though. ::hug:: if it werent for you i woulda thrown myself off a bridge by now. i love you!
anywhos. besides the hgfdghjkhgf that is the mom. i just got back from ethans. had some great sex too. ::giggles...then prays the drama with him doesnt start again:: despite the hooking up- i see im as a friend and that only.
why why why why does school start again so soon? homework not done. oh joy.