Мужчина и женщина, взаимоотношения (сегодняшние ссылки). Настоящий первод - покаяние христианина

Aug 11, 2023 20:10

Не то в "Промо"-ЖЖ не то на "главной странице" чей-то репост - сегодня я обратила внимание на ссылку: Эксперимент - мужской и женский острова: xedrox 2017-05-26 14:32 ЖЖ
Комментарии там отключены автором, а сам пост старый - 2017-05-26 14:32. Но текст заставил меня немножко почитать по ссылкам. Там написано:
"Англоязычный оригинал (April 5, 2014 автор: Nomen Nescio) / перевод"

Я не поленилась, сходила по первой ссылке (http://www.returnofkings.com/32053/this-accidental-experiment-shows-the-superiority-of-patriarchy) - открылся там совершенно другой текст, (видимо, оригинальная ссылка удалена с сайта, и меня "выкинуло" на "корневой сегмент" сайта - на ссылку "https://www.returnofkings.com/index.html" - но этот текст меня заинтересовал больше чем исходный пост, поэтому сюда я помещаю копию оригинала (только текст без ссылок и оформления) и перевод текста
Английский оригинал:


Return Of Kings Logo

From: Roosh Valizadeh, the publisher
Re: Permanent closure of Return Of Kings

Return Of Kings started as an idea in a cafe in Kharkov, Ukraine in 2012. At that time, a book I was reading about the achievements of Alexander the Great inflamed my ego and I decided that I, too, wanted to do something great to change the world. I certainly wasn't a military commander with the power of the sword, but I was an internet publisher who could wield the power of the pen to mold the world into my image, which at that time was one of a caricatured masculinity achieved through the act of fornication.

Inspired by fantasies of money, worldwide adoration, and increased sexual attention from women, I launched Return Of Kings in October 2012. It quickly developed into the largest "red pill" website on the internet and became enemy number one to feminists and mainstream media outlets. Articles on ROK went viral numerous times and pushed masculine ideas into the national conversation. As the "director" of this conversation, I was eminently proud that my ideas surrounding male-centered casual sex relations could be normalized among Western men.

By the end of 2018, I didn't enjoy publishing Return Of Kings anymore. The attacks against the site started to hurt, and the multiple waves of service cancellations, most especially Paypal, made it hard to earn money and attract quality writing. In addition, what was fresh and new in 2012 now felt boring and stale, and I didn't look forward to publishing articles that already hit upon what we had published before. After more than 5,000 articles, 1 million user comments, 63 million visits, and 225 million page views, I closed Return Of Kings on October 1, 2018. I intended to leave the site up eternally as an archive, a testament to my glorious achievement, but then something happened.

I repented.

If you are not an active Orthodox Christian, it is impossible to describe repentance that gives you full understanding, but I will try: in the fall of 2019, in a pit of despair upon suffering a death in the family, I prayed to the Lord God for the first time. He answered. I came to myself and realized that I had lived my whole life in the wrong way, that I was not a good or moral person, that I have hurt innumerable women and men, that my worldly achievements were worse than nothing, and that I was an enemy of God, my Creator. I understood that I have a soul, that I'm not just a random collection of molecules evolved from a primordial soup for no reason at all, and that I had severely damaged my soul, along with the souls of others. I became aware of the great precipice before me, of losing my soul for all eternity, and knew that I must immediately make a change and step away from all my addictions, passions, and worldly attachments.

Without yet reading the Bible for moral instruction or knowing what the Orthodox Church teaches, I sensed that the first step on this new path was to stop fornicating with women, that all carnal relations outside of marriage must cease. Problem was that Return Of Kings had dozens of articles explicitly guiding men on this very act. They had to go, along with anything else that taught men how to sin (i.e. go against the commandments of God). As expected, the secular world thought I had gone mad and "lost it." I was even told that I should get checked out for a brain tumor, but once God comes into your soul and you feel his presence, things of the world seem like thin gruel, and I dived in with zeal to build my relationship with Lord Jesus Christ through His Church, the Orthodox Church, in which I was received in the spring of 2021.

After my repentance, I did not see a problem with leaving old secular content online since it did not explicitly teach men how to sin. What's so wrong with articles like "30 Signs That A Woman Has Been With Over 100 Men" or "16 Signs That You Are A Weak Beta Male," for example? They couldn't possibly hurt men, I thought, but I no longer believe that. Any piece of content that is secular, created from a godless perspective, and allows you to keep loving the things of this world will end up harming your soul by competing with the love you must have for God. It enables you to stay locked into matters and affairs that will keep you off the path of salvation. I can't have it on my conscience that I left up an archive of thousands of articles that continued to validate for many men a secular outlook that inhibited their worship of Christ. The articles were written as if the spiritual world didn't exist and painted the material world as the end-all-be-all of our existence, presupposing the false notion that there is no God. Therefore, I took down the entire Return Of Kings archive. It is not coming back.

For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 6:20-23

Return Of Kings may have shared worldly truths, but it did not share the ultimate truth, that Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to Earth to suffer for our sins and open up for us the path to eternal life. He's our Creator and we must have faith in Him through His Church, the Orthodox Church, to turn away from evil to save our souls. Many men have told me that Return Of Kings helped them, but unless it brought you into God's Church, I'll have to disagree and argue that it instead led them astray. May it deceive no other man from this day forward.

If you're interested in learning more about repentance, detaching from the modern world, and wholesome fellowship with women, read these articles:

How I Turned To God
8 Personal Defects That Allowed Me To Worship Fornication For 18 Years
I Lived Most Of My Life Under Demonic Influence
Game Is For Fallen Women
Only God Can Find You A Good Wife
Most Relationships Built Using Game Will Fail
How God Reveals Himself To The Human Heart
33 Things Christian Men Should Know About Women
How To Attract A Woman As A Christian Man
How To Join The Orthodox Church

For writing that accounts for both material and spiritual realities, visit RooshV.com and RooshVForum.com.

Roosh Valizadeh
December 21, 2022

и Гугло-перевод текста:

От: Руш Вализаде, издатель
Re: Постоянное закрытие «Возвращения королей»

«Возвращение королей» началось как идея в кафе в Харькове, Украина, в 2012 году. В то время книга, которую я читал о достижениях Александра Македонского, воспламенила мое эго, и я решил, что тоже хочу сделать что-то великое для изменить мир. Я, конечно, не был военачальником с силой меча, но я был интернет-издателем, который мог использовать силу пера, чтобы формировать мир в моем образе, который в то время представлял собой карикатурную мужественность, достигнутую благодаря акт прелюбодеяния.

Вдохновленная фантазиями о деньгах, всемирном обожании и повышенном сексуальном внимании со стороны женщин, я запустила «Возвращение королей» в октябре 2012 года. Он быстро превратился в крупнейший веб-сайт «красных таблеток» в Интернете и стал врагом номер один для феминисток и основных средств массовой информации. . Статьи о РК много раз становились вирусными и продвигали мужские идеи в национальный разговор. Как «режиссер» этой беседы, я был в высшей степени горд тем, что мои представления о случайных половых связях, ориентированных на мужчин, могли быть нормальными среди западных мужчин.

К концу 2018 года мне больше не нравилось публиковать «Возвращение королей». Атаки на сайт начали наносить ущерб, а многочисленные волны отказов от услуг, особенно Paypal, мешали зарабатывать деньги и привлекать качественные тексты. Кроме того, то, что было свежим и новым в 2012 году, теперь казалось скучным и устаревшим, и я не рассчитывал публиковать статьи, которые уже наткнулись на то, что мы публиковали ранее. После более чем 5000 статей, 1 миллиона комментариев пользователей, 63 миллионов посещений и 225 миллионов просмотров страниц 1 октября 2018 года я закрыл «Возвращение королей». , но потом что-то случилось.

Я раскаялся.

Если вы не активный православный христианин, описать покаяние, дающее вам полное понимание, невозможно, но я попытаюсь: осенью 2019 года, в яме отчаяния, перенеся смерть в семье, я молился Господу Бог в первый раз. Он ответил. Я пришел в себя и понял, что всю свою жизнь я прожил не так, что я не был хорошим и нравственным человеком, что я причинил боль бесчисленному количеству женщин и мужчин, что мои мирские достижения хуже, чем ничего, и что я враг Бога, моего Создателя. Я понял, что у меня есть душа, что я не просто случайный набор молекул, образовавшихся из первобытного бульона ни с того ни с сего, и что я сильно повредил свою душу вместе с душами других людей. Я осознал великую пропасть передо мной, потерю своей души на всю вечность, и знал, что я должен немедленно измениться и отступить от всех своих пристрастий, страстей и мирских привязанностей.

Еще не читая Библию для нравственного наставления и не зная, чему учит Православная Церковь, я чувствовал, что первым шагом на этом новом пути будет прекращение блуда с женщинами, что все плотские отношения вне брака должны быть прекращены. Проблема заключалась в том, что в «Возвращении королей» были десятки статей, прямо направляющих мужчин на этот самый поступок. Они должны были уйти вместе со всем, что учило людей грешить (то есть идти против заповедей Божьих). Как и ожидалось, светский мир подумал, что я сошла с ума и «потеряла голову». Мне даже сказали, что я должен провериться на опухоль мозга, но как только Бог входит в твою душу и ты чувствуешь его присутствие, мирские вещи кажутся жидкой кашей, и я с усердием погрузился в то, чтобы строить свои отношения с Господом Иисусом. Христа через Свою Церковь, Православную Церковь, в которую я был принят весной 2021 года.

После своего покаяния я не видел проблемы в том, чтобы оставить в сети старый светский контент, так как он явно не учил мужчин грешить. Что плохого в таких статьях, как, например, «30 признаков того, что у женщины было более 100 мужчин» или «16 признаков того, что вы слабый бета-мужчина»? Они не могли причинить вред мужчинам, подумал я, но больше в это не верю. Любой светский контент, созданный с безбожной точки зрения и позволяющий вам продолжать любить вещи этого мира, в конечном итоге нанесет вред вашей душе, соревнуясь с любовью, которую вы должны иметь к Богу. Это позволяет вам оставаться запертыми в вопросах и делах, которые будут удерживать вас от пути спасения. Я не могу держать на совести то, что оставил архив из тысяч статей, которые продолжали подтверждать для многих людей светское мировоззрение, препятствовавшее их поклонению Христу. Статьи были написаны так, как будто духовного мира не существовало, и изображали материальный мир как конец всего-всего нашего существования, предполагая ложное представление о том, что Бога нет. Поэтому я снял весь архив Return Of Kings. Это не возвращается.

Ибо когда вы были рабами греха, вы были свободны в отношении праведности. Какой плод ты имел тогда в том, чего теперь стыдишься? Ибо конец этих вещей - смерть. Но теперь, освободившись от греха и сделавшись рабами Божиими, вы имеете плод святости и, в конце концов, жизнь вечную. Ибо возмездие за грех - смерть, а дар Божий - жизнь вечная во Христе Иисусе, Господе нашем. -Римлянам 6:20-23

«Возвращение королей», возможно, и поделилось мирскими истинами, но не поделилось истиной в последней инстанции, что Господь Иисус Христос - Сын Божий, пришедший на Землю, чтобы пострадать за наши грехи и открыть нам путь к вечной жизни. Он наш Творец, и мы должны верить в Него через Его Церковь, Православную Церковь, чтобы отворачиваться от зла и спасать свои души. Многие мужчины говорили мне, что «Возвращение королей» помогло им, но если оно не привело вас в Божью Церковь, я должен не согласиться и утверждать, что вместо этого оно сбило их с пути. Пусть это не обманет никого другого с этого дня.

Если вам интересно узнать больше о покаянии, отделении от современного мира и полезном общении с женщинами, прочтите эти статьи:

Как я обратился к Богу
8 личных недостатков, которые позволили мне поклоняться блуду в течение 18 лет
Я прожил большую часть своей жизни под демоническим влиянием
Игра для падших женщин
Только Бог может найти тебе хорошую жену
Большинство отношений, построенных с помощью игры, потерпят неудачу
Как Бог открывает Себя человеческому сердцу
33 вещи, которые мужчины-христиане должны знать о женщинах
Как привлечь женщину как мужчину-христианина
Как присоединиться к православной церкви

Чтобы написать, что объясняет как материальные, так и духовные реальности, посетите RooshV.com и RooshVForum.com.

Дополнение: ссылка:

https://www.rooshv.com/why-i-left-the-armenian-church-for-rocor - Why I Left The Armenian Church For ROCOR - Faith Orthodoxy May 31, 2021 Roosh

On Holy Saturday of this year, May 1, [2021] I was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York - В Великую Субботу сего года, 1 мая [2021 года], я крестился в Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей (РПЦЗ) в Свято-Троицком монастыре в Джорданвилле, штат Нью-Йорк.

And about the eleventh hour [the landowner] went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’ -Matthew 20:6-7

Two years ago I returned to the Armenian Church, where I was baptized as a child by affusion, after living most of my adult life in the grip of sexual sin. On Holy Saturday of this year, May 1, I was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York (ROCOR historically receives converts by baptism since they don’t recognize the Armenian baptism as valid). My godfather is a monk and my patron saint is St. Darius of Nicaea, an early Church martyr. I selected ROCOR over other Orthodox Churches because of its purity and fullness of faith, tradition of monasticism, and proven experience dealing with the sort of revolutionaries and communists that are currently subverting the United States. The Orthodox Church will be my final spiritual home before I am judged by Lord Jesus Christ upon my death.

The two groups that are known as” Orthodox,” the Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox, split in the 5th century because of a Christological dispute. The Orientals, which include the Armenians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians (Copts), did not accept the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon regarding the two natures of Christ. This resulted in them breaking communion from the Eastern Orthodox, meaning that up to my baptism in ROCOR, I could not commune in other Eastern Orthodox Churches, which includes the Russians, Greeks, Serbs, Romanians, and Antiochians. When I returned back to the Armenian Church in 2019, I did not understand the Christological disagreement that caused them to be labeled as “monophysite” schismatics or heretics, and wrote it off as a misunderstanding concerning semantics, but as my faith and knowledge of theology grew, I came to suspect that this was more than a misunderstanding because I saw firsthand that the Armenian Church has lost aspects of the faith still possessed by the Eastern Orthodox, which from this point I will simply refer to as Orthodox. I eventually concluded that damage to the Armenian Church occurred because they made a mistake in their theology which resulted in a decrease of grace, and that the Orthodox Church contains the pure teachings of Jesus Christ.

The first deterioration to the Armenian Church is confession, which used to be private. They no longer have private confession like in the Orthodox Church. Instead, the faithful read a prepared script aloud from the pews before receiving communion. I can attest that you can read this statement and receive communion without having to think of your sins or feel remorseful. You have the option to privately talk to your priest to confess your sins, but it is done informally and not something actively promoted by the Church (I don’t know any Armenian who does it). As a result, there are a lot of secrets in an Armenian parish where severe sins are occurring among the faithful that the priest knows nothing about. This leads to profuse award-winning acting where a parishioner acts pious in front of the priest but then immediately changes demeanor in his absence, an issue I have not noticed in Orthodox parishes.

Second, the Armenians have not been able to canonize individual saints for several centuries. While the victims of the Armenian genocide were recently canonized as a group, the last individual Armenian saint I learned to be canonized was St. Gregory of Tatev in the early 15th century, meaning there is no one in modern times who the Church has recognized as someone we must learn from and emulate in order to be saved. When I expressed this concern to a Church authority, I was told that the Church has lost the ability to canonize individuals due to governing and organizational obstacles. This answer did not satisfy me, because how could God’s Church lose the ability to glorify His most faithful servants before the end times? I believe that guidance from recent saints is essential to navigating a modern world that is far more evil and complex than several centuries ago, but I did not have that guidance in the Armenian Church and so began to look upon Orthodox saints.

Third, the Armenians seem to be in the process of losing monasticism. Most ancient monasteries in Armenia are medieval tourist destinations that do not perform the liturgical cycle of daily services or receive pilgrims like the innumerable Orthodox monasteries. If you visit an Armenian monastery, you would be lucky to encounter an Armenian priest from whom to receive a blessing. In the United States, there are no Armenian monasteries or sketes. Armenians will reasonably claim that the genocide and period of communism have devastated their monasteries (and Church in general), and that parish life is where priority should be given, but Russia was able to get their monasteries back open relatively quickly, and they are flourishing within Russia and the United States.

The last problem is icons: Armenians never developed iconography like the Orthodox or the tradition of venerating icons. They have icon-like paintings in their churches, but no framed icons that can be venerated. Being able to venerate an icon may seem like a minor detail, but there are endless examples of Orthodox icons performing miracles for the faithful. The Armenian Church has a beautiful cross design, but as far as I know, miracles do not come forth from them in modern times, unlike the numerous miracle-working and myrrh-streaming icons in the Orthodox Church that are currently active. I like to venerate icons because it is a way for me to show more humility before God and therefore add power to my prayers. While I was in the Armenian Church, I constructed my prayer corner in the Orthodox style with icons that I venerate.

Kardiotissa myrrh-streaming icon
In spite of these four points, theology was not enough for me to leave. I rationalized that the Armenian theology was “close enough,” for which Church was closer? The Catholics seemed further away on dogma thanks to modern innovations and the Protestants even further. Besides, just about all the sermons I listened to and books I read came from an Orthodox source. I believed that I covered my bases, so to speak, but inevitably a new problem arose: I began to feel divided. I received the sacraments on Sunday from one Church and then for the remaining six days of the week I poured over the works of another Church. It was like courting two women at the same time. Of course you will develop a favorite, and my favorite was Orthodoxy. The Orthodox faith spoke to me more powerfully and was giving me the tools to follow God’s commandments and resist temptations at this late stage of human history. The Armenian Church was not able to support my zeal with enough materials and resources that made me confident my soul would be guided into Paradise. This year I arrived at the point where I was so convinced that Orthodoxy was the truth that even if the Armenian Church did start publishing books and sermons in English, I would not have consumed them.

The determining factor that could have prolonged my stay in the Armenian Church was ethnic identity. I am 50% Armenian by blood through my mother (my father is Iranian). This Church was made for me and “my people,” was it not? The problem is that I was not raised with an Armenian identity. My mother was born in Istanbul and is much closer to Turkish culture than Armenian. Her relatives and friends all prefer to speak Turkish. While she stayed in the Church, and decided for me to be baptized as a child, she taught me nothing culturally or spiritually Armenian, so it wasn’t until I was 39 years old that I heard the Armenian language for the first time at length. I tried to learn Classical Armenian to understand the Liturgy without a service book but gave up quickly, even though I had learned several other languages in the past with far more determination, perhaps because I subconsciously knew I would not remain in the Church.

I also do not identify with the Armenian historical struggle or pain from their genocide. When last year the war in Artsakh was raging, to me it was a war like any other, and I felt no more sadness than if the war had been in Mongolia. Other than learning how to make tasty Armenian food dishes, I never felt “Armenian” even though I did see that some of my personality traits, particularly when it comes to my passions, were shared by other Armenians. The Armenians in my church repeatedly asked me when I would visit Armenia for the first time and the instinctual response in my mind that I dared not speak aloud was “never.” Maybe I am too burned out from travel, but I am simply not interested in visiting what I’m sure is a beautiful country even though it is supposed to be my ancestral home.

On Easter Sunday of this year in my Armenian parish (April 4), I looked upon the crowd of Armenians and couldn’t help but see myself as a tourist who was enjoying a very pleasant service with an exotic people who vaguely looked like me. It didn’t feel like my Church and the Armenians present didn’t feel like my people. I was born and raised in America as an American, for better or worse, and while I can value my ancestral past through food and shared personality traits, I didn’t desire to be enveloped in a foreign culture that I would never have picked out of personal interest or a Church I would not have chosen based on its theological merits. The Armenian Church is an ethnic and nationalistic Church for Armenians, of which I never identified as one, and even if I did, I’m certain its theological problem would gnaw on me enough to only postpone my inevitable conversion to Orthodoxy by a couple of years.

In the past half-year, as God’s hand worked more firmly to guide me to the Orthodox Church, I even began to wonder if the Armenian sacraments were wholly valid. If their sacrament of confession was damaged compared to its past, was their Eucharist really the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ? I pushed that thought out of my mind when it would appear, telling myself that perhaps in the future when I moved to a rural area, and an Armenian Church was not nearby, I could finally make the jump to Orthodoxy. It would be too difficult to do it before, to tell those in my church that I left not because I was moving far away, but because I didn’t love the Armenian identity and had doubts about its theology. Then I received a call from Father Spyridon Bailey, a ROCOR priest.

On March 20, I conducted a call-in live stream. One of the callers was Father Spyridon, who has a popular YouTube channel. I knew of him and was exceedingly glad that he called. You can watch our conversation here:

After the call, in which I shared my concerns about being divided between two churches, I was on fire. I no longer wanted to be passive and let the meandering flow of the river determine which Church I should be in. If I am in the right Church then there is no problem, but if not, then I must make a decision and follow through on it, regardless of the social or familial consequences. After speaking with Father Spyridon, I prayed: “Lord, please give me the strength to make the right decision of which Church I should be in.” Forty-two days later, I was baptized in ROCOR’s Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York. I received a brief but intense catechism that filled in the holes of my Orthodox knowledge from a monk who is now my godfather.

Maybe one day I will share the series of providential steps that occurred in those forty-two days, but in summary, all the strength was given to me to leave the Armenian Church without losing a minute of night’s sleep, and all the doors to the Orthodox Church opened in a way that I would deem miraculous. Besides some bearable temptations from the demons the week before I was baptized, I felt that God was holding my hand into Jordanville’s baptistry to be immersed three times in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is now so obvious to me that God was guiding me into His Church that I wonder if I tested Him by taking so long to make the decision. I may have arrived at the eleventh hour, but with joy I can tell you today that I am an Orthodox Christian.

Why did I pick ROCOR? It’s more that ROCOR picked me. Most of the spiritual value and edification I received in the past two years happened to come from the Russian Church. From reading their books, listening to their sermons, visiting their churches and monasteries, talking to their priests and monks, and viewing the actions of their bishops, I came to believe that ROCOR is the most traditional Orthodox Church existing in the world today which has best preserved the Christian faith. It fully grasps spiritual warfare, does not dabble in new ideas, has clergy that understands the Jewish revolutionary spirit, and has been most resistant to succumbing to coronavirus mandates, not only by its hierarchy but also its parishioners (though some ROCOR parishes in the cities are unfortunately strong on masks). There are many other Churches within Orthodoxy, but by getting baptized into ROCOR, I have made my bet that if there is only one Church left standing during the tribulations of the end times, which there must be since Christ did state that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church, it will be the Russians.

I also like ROCOR because of its strong sense of community that spans across state lines, the piety of the flock, and its catholic nature of drawing in converts from all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, many of whom are just like me in that they came to the truth later in life after a period of seeking. There is certainly an ethnic component to ROCOR, but unlike with the Armenian Church, it does not wholly dominate or make me feel that the ethnicity is put on par or even above God. In ROCOR you receive the fullness of God based on what the Russian people have dutifully preserved over the centuries, and the parish services are not so foreign to disturb your worship if you happen to be an American who does not have a Russian background.

For much of my adult life, I’ve been seeking the truth, and while you may have seen me take many wrong turns, I never wholly strayed from that mission. Returning back to God two years ago gave me the humility to finalize this journey with my baptism in ROCOR. Now that I’ve experienced a taste of the Kingdom and the glory that awaits Christians who love our Lord Jesus Christ, I hope to co-work with God to share His truth to all who happen to come across my words. I do not deserve the grace I’m receiving from being in His Church based on the evil works I have done in my life, so Glory goes to God for the love and forgiveness He has for His most sinful servants.

Read Next: 12 Things I Learned From Visiting Holy Trinity Monastery In New York

покаяние, Серафим Саровский, православие, РПЦ

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