So, I've been going through a lot lately regarding the SPN Family. And not much of it is good... I won't go into detail, but back in March I was getting messages on Facebook by other fans and they were saying really awful things about me that I believed. Also, there's just so much hate in this fandom that I don't even know if I want any part of it anymore. And that's saying a lot. Now, I'm bothered by the hate in general, but what bothers me the most is when people hate on the WRITERS!!!! I just don't get it. They are just as important to the family as the cast, why does everybody hate them so much? Why don't you just stop watching if you hate the writing??? I wrote a post on tumblr on this a while back, and it would mean so much to me if y'all went to read it. Link: And this hurts to say, but I feel like we really aren't a family. At the moment Jared and Jensen's new slogan "Family Always has Your Back" Seems meaningless... So I decided to take a break from the fandom for a bit. Not sure how long. I've done it before but it was just a couple of days... But I'm moving to here so I can still express my love for Jared. So hopefully someone can friend me and we can chat. <3
-AkfJarpad (Catt)