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Jul 07, 2008 22:20

At the library, I had a fit of nostalgia - or possibly massochism - and picked up a copy of Knife of Dreams, the eleventh book in the Wheel of Time series. Wish me luck! I also borrowed a BSG book (I am sometimes that kind of fan) and, after accidentally stumbling into the drama section, grabbed another four books there. One about contemporary canadian drama (it's all going to be terribly, wonderfully academic), da Kink in my Hair (a good read and undoubtedly excellent when performed), and two anthologies, one of which contains The Unnatural and Accidental Women, which I really didn't pay proper attention to last time I read it. I'm looking forward to the second chance! That same anthology has also got a Betty Lambert play, which is good news to me as I really got into Jennie's Story, both for the story and all of the symbolism and metaphor underneath it. (That was the one paper I ever turned in early as an undergrad!)

da Kink in my Hair is a very well known play (now turned television series?) by trey anthony and, as the cover says, celebrates the voices of black womyn. Some of it was culture-specific, and other parts translated perfectly well no matter what colour skin you're wearing. The monologues about love at an advanced age, sexual abuse, and suicide have stuck with me in particular. The Unnatural and Accidental Women is a dramatization of the murder of ten aboriginal women in Vancouver that took place over a thirty-year time span. We studied it in Contemporary Women Playwrights, just over a year ago now, but like I said, I didn't really give it my full attention - plays that came up at the end of term never did. Which reminds me - I also really need to track down a copy (hell, a production!) of At Her Feet.

Of course, I didn't walk away from the library with a single book that was on my to-read list. That would have worked out far too well. Happy reading to the rest of you!

theatre, books

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