Apr 12, 2008 23:09
Not that I've ever made fun of CSRs or other people who work in customer service, but actually doing the job is giving me whole new levels of appreciation for what you folk do. Five afternoons on the job and I am exhausted. I know it will get easier as I get more practiced, but right now, I'm simply overwhelmed. At least - at least! - I managed to make some really positive strides toward getting out of this black hole of chronic ill health I've been in for the last several months. It's like everything is interesting and bright again and I can't stop laughing. And that's good. Now, I just need to get a handle on this CSR thing!
Today was movies, movies, movies. This included Star Wars, which is still epic and awesome. I don't know that those will ever get old for me. (Oh Lando, even when betraying our intrepid heroes, you're still one of my favourites.) We went out en famile last night as well, which was lovely! I tried to get us lost in the park, but it is regrettably too small and too familiar for that. I might upload some of the pictures tomorrow, as I've been meaning to show off our blossoms and greenery since sometime in late January.
bad habits