I played LiveJournal Dungeons for a while this morning, but I wasn't doing very well. Why?
You pray to Whatsupdog. A bolt of lightning strikes you!
You pray to Jezebeau. A bolt of lightning strikes you!
You pray to Userlain. A bolt of lightning strikes you!
You pray to Idrasong. A bolt of lightning strikes you!
Jezebeau and Userlain were sometimes lenient, but the former did kill me (I died of his wrath!) in one adventure and I learned to stop supplicating to Whatsupdog altogether. Jerk.
Other amusements:
You quaff the potion marked 'FIBROMYALGIA'. It tastes foul.
You are walking through a dusty throne room. You notice a chiselled epitaph to nittle grasper.
A wooden sign warns of dungeons and dragons.
Bones are scattered in the shape of kung fu.
Resting on a plinth is a figurine of Jumila. It's the figurine of wondrous Gigi!
You are walking through a crumbling cave. You hear the sound of larp in the distance.