SSS Wants List

Jan 17, 2017 09:43

This is a 'Wish List' but also just a refrence list so you can see the type of things I like.
I'd be happy with anything listed here or anything along the same vein of merch so please don't feel limited to this!
When it comes to cute unique designs I don't always stick to my "preferred" pokemon, so if it's cute I'll probably love it.
*I don't mind doubles of functional items*

Also - I do realize that a lot of what I've pictured are from older promos or promos that could become harder to get by the time our assignemnts go out- I don't expect you to go hunting for anything! I'm sure there will be new awesome promos in the next few months :)

One things I don't really like is standard art... things with just the typical clip art for each pokemon w/o any additional flare are not very intresting to me; and also things that are clearly for small kids.

These are new and I adore the cute art ~ I'd like any of these items!

I really love the Rowlet's Garden promo, anything from this promo would be OK by me! I've purchased the draw string bag, washi tape, and badge holder for myself already but I'd love any of these other items (in no particular order) ~ for sigle bird items I favor Pikipek and Fletchling.

I also really like some of the newer substitute stuff:

(banner from the - I like the hoodie, the pins, the hat, and the pass case.

I also really love mugs. I prefer mugs that have non-standard art or something a little quirky about them :)
I have a Fennekin mug and an Eevee mansion mug already.
Here are some examples, I think these are probably hard to find but something along these lines!:

And! as I mentioned I REALLY love Washi tape. Below are some that I found that I don't have:

Here's a pic of all the Pokemon washi tape I already have:

bags and pouches are always welcome!

These would be my only exception to the 'no plush' request... I really love these little bean guys - either Leafeon or Quagisre, awake or sleeping for either would be great! <3

I really like the Pokemon Petit sereis - anything from these would be cool, but again, this promo is a little old.
- I don't dislike any of these pokemon but if i had to narrow it down: Lati@s, Lapras, and Fennekin would be my top picks.

And any other cute misc. stationary itmes are welcome :)

Other non PKMN things I'm a fan of : Tea, Foxes, Rilakkuma, Sumikko gurashi, drawing, painting, crafting, Harry Potter, Star Trek, World of Warcraft, Stamps, Clovers, Teal, Cats, Chocolate!
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