(no subject)

Sep 11, 2012 19:28

I have come to spam you yet more!
With art!
First, blabbering though.
Therdeban is in Edit, I have begun to write the resume, in short, publsihers applications. The sample chapters/resumés are being read by some really good Betas (the old Betas are just as awesome, but I did seek people who dont know the project for this task) . Editing and doing this 3 Normpage resumé has made my awareness towards my text very very sharp, shortening your novel a full twenty times changes your view. Many thankyous go to my Betas and the writers group which didnt just pass on valuable criticism and ideas but also kept me sane. or I kept them insane? I dont know.
The good news, I havent found any major holes that need severe plastering. Its all about tightening loose ends now. . Kill your darlings, my most precious lesson ever.
Its weird to say, that the most significant protagonist of which I thought was one, didnt even make it to the Exposé. Thus, Antralis, my grey Hero, has been degraded to a side role. Crazy but true. Thats not just shortening work, thats fact of storyline. I almost edited out Safran. OMG.
  one of the Betas said: if Francesca doesnt make it to the Exposé then you've cut it too short.

Aside of the Resumé/Exposé I am currently editing the old chapters. Some significant changes have happened, everything is with more speed, detail blabbering has been cut. I'm basically rewriting and I'm surprised it doesn bother me. I used to cry when I lost half a page due to say, bad saving. Now I redo 15 pages without blinking. In a day if I must.
I'm trying to give the characters more depth, not just in speech but also with little details. I in particular like Antralis love to read trash literature and use leafs as bookmarks or Safrans mild cursing. I'm hoping that this will aid the project, though skepsis remains a healthy dish until the end.
I've also done more arts for the novel, I'm astonished to say I almost solely draw for Therdeban now. Exeption was Eurofurence, but this be in a sepparate thread.

Lets begin.
You know you are a worldbuilder when you do creatures just like that *snip* without even needing them in the book. *sad creature howlings*
A cousin of an Elella. Named Orea by Alectorfencer who is the Godmama of these:

My beloved Creel. Oh I miss him. Good he's still alive in this Edit Phase.

Finally a premiere of Reero, Creels little daughter. Very much a brat when she first shows up, then in a strange way sisterly to Francesca.

Uh-huh. Sitaar. This was so hard to draw. Sitaar like all characters in Therdeban isnt pure evil, he is just a nasty person with another opinion. And like a lot of egoism on top of it. Its funny how you as author grow close to the protagonist and hate certain characters for what they did to her. This guy is a rapist and murder.

This next one actually is an edit of an old image from chapter 4.

a new image for chapter 4. I'm currently on the umbrella ella ella trip. Somehow. I still want an image with Fran and Antralis, her holding an umbrella up. It represents the shelter he gave and how much she looses to me.

and one of the latest illustrations for chapter 5, for the new version in which two faced Safran plays his role of being a bad Therdeban, but actually willing to help them. Also, Antralis, with his trusing in "the good in us all" leaves Safran tied up beside the weapons. Bad idea. As I've said, I almost cut this character. But I've always had my secret authors crush on him, hey, he's got golden eyes after all. But his old stile annoyed him, he was to "nice". So I went for nasty rebell with a dirty mouth. Safran is after all supposed to be a Teen. He's no older than eighteen here, while Antralis is say, 26 years or such.
Right now my big grey guy is annoyed about his own stupidity. If Safran wasnt a nice guy the story would have ended here, at 30K words... but hey, the thak godness the thing went on to 240K.

I've also decided to mention the illustrations to publishers and agents with my applications. I think they are valuable enough and not as crappy as other things I've seen out there. Just today I met a really horrible cover where someone mutilated a kitten calendar and a souvenir photo and then raped the whole thing together in Photoshop. I'm sorry for the expression, but it really applies.
But thats another story
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