(no subject)

Jan 14, 2012 18:12

So, first day of 2012  teaching at school done. With partially still stuck with a cold. I have a nasty cough that mostly is heard when I sleep or wake up. But I'm feeding it with tea and sirup and hoping the bugger will be gone asap.
Working more on Therdeban and proceeded to Chapter 21, and I'll be moving things to private.
With chapter 21 all pieces start to fall in place, meaning I will no longer openly hand it out to people I dont really know. Same goes for illustrations and creature and place concepts.
I've also received permission from school to go and attend Leipziger Buchmesse where I want to wander around, both with my portfolio and also with my Expose of Therdeban. If I kneel in I can get the written version done by then, not the edited that is, but the written.
This is awesome future tense, but March 15 as a date makes a nice, close goal. I recommend this to all you folks wanting to get something written: DO IT. Set yourself a goal of one chapter per week (or whichever mass you know realistic) and do it.

I went through my old archieves yesterday, basically interested in how I wrote a significant scene in the old version.
And while I was at it I decided to do a mass-comparison.
I passed the 402 normpages mark yesterday with Therdeban, which is 40 pages further than my old version Akeyla from 2002. Counting my edited versions this means I in total deleted 500-600 pages and have basically rewritten them new.
On the contrary, when speaking of comparison I am 6 chapters behind my old status, content wise. This means the new book IS longer. But I say the edit massivly paid off and changes a lot.Its not good as I am really a new writer and full of crazed ideas, but it definitly is a lot better than the old version.
Aside of that, I am doing illustrations and I'd like to share them, atleast the two new ones:

(header illustration of chapter 15, thus the float)

(chapter 20 end illustration)

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