Music Group Meme

Sep 25, 2009 18:49

Thanks to ritsuka182 for this meme :) 
Put your iPod/iTunes/music player on shuffle and list the first 50 artists/groups that show up.
The answer the questions.

1. Kotani Kinya
2. Hawk Nelson
3. Vince Conaway
4. Benjamin Britten
5. Iceman
6. access
7. Hayami Kishimoto
8. Haketa Takefumi
9. Backstreet Boys
10. Chopin
11. UVERworld
12. Streetlight Manifesto
13. Buckingham Nicks
14. Koji Kondo
15. HIM
16. Kajiura Yuki
17. Relient K
18. My Chemical Romance
19. Boys Like Girls
20. Yoko Kanno
21. Kanon Wakeshima
22. The St. Louis Children's Choirs
23. Enya
24. FictionJunction KAORI
25. C. P. E. Bach
26. The Seeker
27. Paramore
28. Evanescence
29. ATC
30. Coldplay
31. Johannes Brahms
32. Editus
33. Claude Debussy
34. Andrew Lloyd Webber
35. Daisuke Asakura (FINALLY lol)
36. Debra Arlyn
37. Linkin Park
38. Spice Girls
39. Pachelbel
40. Mendelssohn
41. Lady Gaga
42. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
43. Cascada
44. Beethoven
45. Asian Kung-Fu Generation
46. Purcell
47. Carl Orff
48. Kate Voegele
49. Mad Soldiers 
50. Gustav Holst

Wow random list xD On to the questions!

1. What's your favorite song by 15?
HIM - hmm....probably "Buried Alive By Love"

2. How did you get into 20?
Yoko Kanno - ah she did the soundtrack for InuYasha or Wolf's Rain or something and my friend who was hardcore into her music shared some of it with me. :)

3. Who is your favorite member in 1?
Kinya - well I'd have to say Kotani Kinya.

4. What’s your favorite lyric bit by 29?
ATC - Around the World (the la la la la la song lol)

5. Have you ever seen 22 live?
SLCC - *laughs* yeah seeing as I was a member of that ensemble.

6. What's your favourite album from 10?
Chopin - Well Chopin didn't exactly release albums himself but I love my Best Piano Works of Chopin CD.

7. Do you own any merchandise from 3?
Vince Conaway - yeah one of his CDs.

8. What is a good memory you have of 7?
Hayami Kishimoto - well probably the fact that her single came as a free gift with one of the access albums I got.

9. Is there a member of the same age as you in 2?
Hawk Nelson - Er......probably not the guys in this band look like they're in their late 20s at least.

10. When did you first get into 8?
Haketa Takefumi - last year when I watched the Vampire Knight anime.

11. Who likes 4 along with you?
Benjamin Britten - .......dunno. fellow classical music freaks?

12. Which song did you first hear from 16?
Kajiura Yuki - A Song of Storm and Fire from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles anime.

13. What song made you fall in love with 5?
Iceman -  oh damn good I think Shining Collection. If not that then Lost Complex.

14. Which song do you not like by 18?
My Chemical Romance - "The Black Parade" annoys me sometimes with its melancholyness.

15. Why do you like 14's songs?
Koji Kondo - cause he writes music for ZELDA. HELLZ YEAH

16. Where did you first hear 6?
access - ah, the classic question. I first heard them at home while watching D. Gray-Man. Doubt & Trust was the third intro. The first time I heard it I fell in love. And the rest is history.

17. How long was 19 a band before you liked them?
Boys Like Girls - I've known about them since they became famous a few years ago but I just started liking a couple of their songs recently.

18. Does 13 have a song that gives you a bad memory?
Buckingham Nicks - no, this band reminds me of my dad which is funny.

19. When did you get into 17?
Relient K - Earlier this year when I first heard their song "More Than Useless"

20. How long have you been into 9?
Backstreet Boys - FOREVER. They were my first real pop band. I first heard them in like 3rd grade and was completely suckered.

21. If 11 had a concert 300 miles away, would you drive there to see them?
UVERworld - HELL YEAH if any J-pop band came I would go.

22. How many CDs do you own of 12?
Streetlight Manifesto - None just songs off of iTunes.

23. Does 21 have a song that makes you cry?
Kanon Wakeshima - not quite but her songs are rather melancholy. Still really cool. :D

24. Does 27 have a song that makes you happy?
Paramore - YES I love Misery Business cause it's so badass >:DDDD

25. Does 23 have a song that makes you smile? x
Enya - Oh always. I love her music and her lyrics.

26. What's the last song you've listened to from 28?
Evanescence - haven't listened to them in a while but I think the last one was "Everybody's Fool"

27. Is there a song by 32 that you've listened to more than 30 times?
Editus - nope, not yet but I love them.

28. What is a song from 50 that you've only listened to once?
Holst - huh. I dunno. one of The Planets other than Jupiter.

29. Is there a song you are sick of hearing by 24?
FictionJunction KAORI - no but I don't listen to them a lot.

30. What song got you into 40?
Mendelssohn - don't remember.

31. What is your favorite single by 25?
C. P. E. Bach- LOOOL he didn't have singles but I love the cello concertos.

32. If 49 hated you, what would you do?
Mad Soldiers - Well they're broken up so they can't really hate me together but if Ken hated me I would be sad and if DA hated me I would probably die. (figuratively.)

33. What would you say if 42 or one of the members from 42 asked you out?
Mozart - err I would say no. Mozart was a genius but a raging alcoholic genius with a temper problem. Not my type.

34. Would you care if 41 had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Lady Gaga - not really. it's her business.

35. Who has the best voice in 46?
Purcell - uh. the soloists who sing the parts of his compositions? *shrugs*

36. Do you think 26 is/are good looking?
The Seeker - DK makes a pretty woman, yeah. And Ken's always been tall, cool and handsome.

37. How many times have you listened to your favorite song by 36?
Debra Arlyn - Um the one song I have by her was a free single. I've listened to it maybe twice.

38. How many CDs do you own of 30?
Coldplay - None. I buy their stuff off iTunes. lol

39. Is there a song from 38 that makes you mad?
Spice Girls - NO WAY they were such fun lol

40. Which member from 31 do you want to see go solo?
Johannes Brahms - er.....he be dead but his music shall live on FOREVER. I hope it continues to be performed.

41. What does your favorite song from 48 remind you of? 
Kate Voegele - flowers, like sunflowers. She always makes me think of flowers and bright colors.

42. Did you hate 43 at first?
Cascada - The first time I heard her I was like "WOW THIS IS SO AWESOME". so no lol.

43. Does your best friend also listen to 33?
Debussy - huh I dunno. probably not. :(

44. Do you think your parents would like 37?
Linkin Park - maybe my dad. :/

45. Does 47 have a song that makes you want to dance?
Carl Orff - um, in his case, define dancing. :D

46. Have you ever seen 34 in person?
Andrew Lloyd Webber - No but that would be cool.

47. Do you like 44's name?
Beethoven - I guess?

48. Is there someone in 45 that you want to go out with?
Asian Kung-Fu Generation - muzukashi desu ne......I dunno all!! :D :D :D

49. Do you know anyone that hates 39?
Pachelbel - Yes, surprisingly. my friend hates his famous Canon in D cause she's played it for years and it got old. That song could never get old to me.

50. Have you ever danced to a song from 35?

meme, batman, ritsuka182, lol, music meme

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