DAily Love + Bakuman

Apr 19, 2012 14:29

Firstly -

I don't even remember what this is from but it's lovely.

Secondly -

The last chapter of Bakuman came out this week. Now I'm not sure if this is completely the end or if Ohba-sensei and Obata-sensei will also put out like an epilogue or something like Arakawa-sensei did with FMA. It was a really sweet chapter that gave us the perfect Saiko/Azuki reunion, proposal and kiss <3 (FINALLY! 8D 8D) and as usual Ohba and Obata pulled it off in a way that I didn't expect that was yet absolutely the best way (I love how Saiko used his Uncle's diary as inspiration; picking Azuki up in the Ferrari was hilariously cute but made me think, "since when could Saiko drive??" LOL; the proposal at Azuki's old house was absolutely wonderful <3). However, I feel like for a final chapter it seemed rather short or lacking. Everything seemed to suddenly rush to a close, especially given that Bakuman has had certain arcs that moved a lot slower (albeit appropriately so, I still believe). I'm still really happy with the ending and was overjoyed to see Azuki and Saiko finally get together. Shujin and Saiko also finally beat Eiji in the chapter before this, becoming Jump's No. 1 mangakas, which was exciting but seemed to come out of relatively nowhere (I don't know how else it could have been handled I just think the climax of that moment could have had more power). I really hope we get an epilogue or something because I want to see more of things like their wedding, them together with Shujin and Kaya, some of their life together etc. I'm not asking for like sappy shoujo fluff cause that wouldn't be Bakuman at all, but just more closure for certain things.

That all being said, Bakuman is one of my favorite series and has helped inspire me to keep working for my dreams and ambitions, even in times of doubt and confusion. A manga about making manga and chasing after the most seemingly impossible of dreams...a brilliant masterpiece only Ohba and Obata could have pulled off, I feel like. I'm sad to see it go but happy that we got our magical Saiko/Azuki dream come true ending, hoping for more elaboration on some parts of it. Titling the last chapter the same as the first was a pretty neat way to tie things up too, it made go "daawww". Thank you Ohba-sensei, Obata-sensei for such a wonderful masterpiece.

YAY「 バクマン。」おめでとうー!おつかれでした!!ほんとにありがとう!

da, daily love, bakuman last chapter

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