funny dreams I want to write about because I don't feel like working

May 03, 2009 13:13

I've had two dreams recently that were so weird, yet epic, I feel that I need to share them.  Enjoy the random insanity of my subconscious that I have recorded here to the best of my ability. xD

So last night I had this awesome/really disturbing dream about the DA family. I dreamed that their was a music fest going on at some fancy mall or someplace that I have never seen or been to before in my life (isn't it weird how your subconscious works like that sometimes? lol). And, low and behold, guess who was there! Takanori!!! xD Apparently I was supposed to help out at this music festival, so I was assigned to hand out these cool bracelets to the participants. And of course I ended up giving two to Taka.  One of the bracelets, stangely enough, had "intoccabile ~intokabiru <>~" engraved on it (okay not exactly, but in my dream I just KNEW it was that song lol). For those who don't know, that's a song by The Seeker, which has nothing to do with Takanori. As far as I know. xD And this is where it started getting really weird. Taka-chan, through broken English and hand gestures, tells me to put the bracelets on his wrist for him. Which I do, and upon doing that he gets reeeaaally excited and happy, picks me up and runs around the area carrying me on his shoulder laughing and having fun.  My theory now is that Kinya was possessing him because during the dream I thought about how excited I was to hear Takanori sing "Glaring Dream". Plus, the whole hyper happy Kinya. But I know it wasn't actually Kinya in the dream because the sign announced T.M. Revolution and Taka was introduced that way. What was even FUNNIER is that somehow Takanori brought up Daichan, knowing I wanted to meet him, and I asked him how Daichan was, and he smiled and said something like "ohh good! good!". I think. WEIRD.

Somehow I managed to get away from Kinya-Taka who apparently does Seeker songs and get back to my family who appeared out of nowhere.

*dies* ......I must be crazy. I have the scariest subconscious.

The second dream I'm about makes a little more sense. I hope it's a premonition, in a way. Because it involved my meeting DA for the first time.

So apparently DA, Hiro (I think he was there, I'm not 100% sure.....) and I were traveling somewhere on this fancy jet. It had first class and second class seats, and DA+Hiro were up front while I was in second class. So I didn't know they were there at first until.......they started playing music. Like access music. 
Somehow I got up there with them and was really really happy they were there (duh). And suddenly, DA hands me a spare keytar and I start jamming down with them. I messed up sometimes but DA covered for me. I seemed to get better as we went along. We had tons of fun and at the end, when we were finished, DA gave me this amazing hug that I seriously have a physical memory of, as if it actually happened irl. It's so weird, it's like that was the strongest part of the dream. He gave me the keytar to keep which was decorated with pink and green stickers.

I almost woke up crying because it didn't turn out to be true. But I felt extremely loved.

Okay, that's it!! I hope you were amused more than you were weirded out. I had fun writing this.

caution, da, dreams, da family, hiro, weird, tm revolution, access, the seeker

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