
Jul 17, 2008 13:15

It's on all of the news outlets, printed and broadcast. It's on most everyone's mind as well. I had managed to be rather insulated until now, or rather affect me in a way that calls for a deer to tug on one's collar and go "Eurrrrugh". Best onomatopoeia I could think of.

Last week I lost a source of cooking oil for my car, a rather sizable one. Twenty Gallons a week. It was my largest, and foolishly primary source. The progression has gone just about as I had thought. Other people, with rising prices, are beginning to try it, especially as kits and processing equipment is becoming easier to buy. Someone who spends a few thousand dollars on equipment to process biodiesel doesn't think much of spending $.25/$.50 a gallon on used oil. It wouldn't be a bad investment for me either, aside from the political standpoint (A family friend trumps a college student who drinks beer at a tavern a few times a week).

So that sucks, but with the consolation of knowing once winter rolls around, people won't know what to do about congealed cooking oil in fuel tanks, there is a bit of schadenfreude.

But that news wasn't as "Oooh Balls" as finding out two rather lucrative restoration projects at work were cancelled this week, resulting in a reduction of possibly a third of my income for the summer. Ooooog. That one hurts.
Suddenly, buying a new SLR, Lesie Speaker, and flying to AC seem like poor choices. Not really, since all three brought and still bring me alot of happiness, but there are a few pangs of guilt.

that's about all I have to say. Been nursing a sore back the last few days. it's improved greatly today. I no longer walk like House.

That's it.
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