May 28, 2008 16:09
So finally the weather has gotten to be summery around here, despite a freeze warning last night. It did get cold in the apartment, though, something like 58 when I woke up. Thank goodness for comforters.
Not a whole lot to report really. The weekend was a weekend. Fairly low key. Saturday was hanging out with a few people early on Saturday, then being quiet for the rest of the evening. Sunday was spending some time with the mother parental unit. Sunday evening and most of Monday was spent with the father parental unit. Fourteen years after the divorce, and "You spend more time with ---" games are still played. I ignore them.
Monday began early, 4AM on the dot to drive down to an auction in North Central Illinois with said father parental unit and my boss. Long drive to an auction where many of the items were misrepresented in the auction bill. There were some things that were just going too cheap to ignore however, namely a large box of unused vintage postcards for $10, and a small cuckoo clock. Cukoo Cukoo.
Was a long auction for alot of stuff, and towards the end I was numb and bored with it all. Still, interesting to see what the real market prices of things are, though.
The trip home was long, and mostly uneventful until we were well into Wisconsin and I was pulled over for not having a front plate. The reasons are few, one being the Mercedes that I drive does not have a front braket for said plate. The other reason, perhaps stubbornly, is observing many other cars without front tags, or even the option to install one. It is no excuse, I know, it is afterall state law. Just unsure of a law that doesn't begin with the manufacture of a vehicle. Anyway, I was issued a warning. No big deal, as I plan to get around to putting a front plate on the car.
The routine stop turned not-so-routine when I went to pull out into traffic, discovering I had a very flat rear tire, with a nice chunk of cast iron in it. The officer seemed to feel bad, despite asking the intitial question of "When did you get that?" I responded politely with "More than likely when I was pulled over, officer." He did ask if he could do anything to help, and was impressed at how quickly I changed tires. The importance of having a well maintained spare and proper tools cannot be overstated (That and Benz's awesome jack-point system).
After that, and calming my father down on his anti-government rantings and ravings, I dropped everyone off at their respective destinations and went home. Stayed up late, 24 hours late, as a matter of fact.
Yesterday was sleeping, really.
Today was having said tire replaced. Free, as it was under warantee. Thanks, Goodyear. I still paid to have the spare tire replaced, though, as it was an original 1983 tire. Wonderful condition, but was a little nervous putting the hundred and some miles on the interstate with it, mostly since I knew I didn't have another replacement.
And that's about it. Exciting, egh?