Feb 11, 2008 11:33
So I came home from dropping Pat off at school and decided I needed to take a nap before I go to class...this is the story of a dream that came to me during that nap.
I was going to traditional college elsewhere, and while attending I had linked up with about 10 close friends who all needed to move out of their places in Jan. We all agreed to try and find somewhere that we could all be closer together, which is when one of us stumbled upon a newspaper add that stated there was an old boarding school for rent. It had a couple common rooms, a chem. lab, 4 classrooms, 12 full size bedrooms, 2 large bathrooms (1 group shower), and a caf.
I am unsure how we all moved in, but the next part of the dream is of me being moved in, I just got out of my bed and wanted to walk around to see what everyone else is up to. Some weird shit was going down around the house, but when I saw Stephanie (who is apparently a grown up rep. of a girl I really knew in middle school) talking to her ex I stopped to listen from across the common room. They were starting to fight again, but he grabbed her and kissed her hard...forced...she ran down the hall and when I caught up we started to walk together. After going down two flights of steps and reaching an archway to the entrance hall we sat down and I smiled at her. She leaned into me and I asked her, "Why don't you ever kiss me like that" and with tears in her eyes she kissed me, and I felt like I had always wanted her to...then she gave me a look that I remember Cj giving me in real life...it told me she loved me. Right then she passed out in my arms and I could just tell something was very wrong. I picked her up, and even at 115 she was hard to carry...at first. After I got outside and looked across the field that lay in front of me I realized I needed to run...as fast as I could to the nurses' office which we had left un-kept. In the dream I was training to be a runner, and ran that field everyday, but I never had to run carrying weight, let alone dead weight. I started to run and felt her making me fall forward, threatening to make me fall out of my tuck and tumble. Time slowed down and I paid very close attention to balance, and breathing. When I reached the office I had to much momentum to just stop so somehow I instinctually side stepped, spun, and slid to a stop. A couple people saw me from the house and said they could see me crying , tears hitting my shirt as I ran...but most notably the fact that I ran faster than ever before and according to one friend I could have beat the state record for 50 yard dash, even with the added weight.
The dream skips again to a different instance. Cj, two other friends, and I walk into a clothing store. It was fairly small and run by an acquaintance of ours. There where two levels, although the second was merely a small loft that had a break area with a futon. Cj asked her friend at the desk if she could go lay down while the rest of us hung out and shopped around. I was looking at some shirts when the lights went out, but I wasn't worried, just confused. Police had entered the store and where gathering everyone up, but I had done nothing wrong so I emptied my pockets for them and sat on a bench at the entrance. They had both my knife and gun (a .22 I was carrying) and they asked if there was anyone else. To be honest they had been nice, and seemed to have a legit reason so I told them Cj was upstairs. From where I sat I yelled to the outline of the futon, "Courteney, you need to come down here"…but I was cut off by a cop dragging her out of bed, and slapping her. I went into a fury, told the nearest cop that I would kill every man in the room if it didn't stop. He thought the cuffs would keep me where I was, but my muscles loosened, and before he died he saw my hand slip out of the metal restraint. Another one came running, but I'd already reached for my knife and gun. Amazingly he got the better of me, but while I was on the ground I lit his pant leg on fire with my Zippo. There where two more upstairs beating her, and her clothes had almost all been torn off…I shot one directly in the face from the bottom of the steps, I was still hearing the other one "abusing" her when I woke up…not more than 8 steps to go…and I woke up.
Needless to say both dreams made me pretty upset…today is going to be one of deep thoughts and some painful cigarette drags.